Weber AP

References (1)

Title : Gene transfer from bacteria and archaea facilitated evolution of an extremophilic eukaryote - Schonknecht_2013_Science_339_1207
Author(s) : Schonknecht G , Chen WH , Ternes CM , Barbier GG , Shrestha RP , Stanke M , Brautigam A , Baker BJ , Banfield JF , Garavito RM , Carr K , Wilkerson C , Rensing SA , Gagneul D , Dickenson NE , Oesterhelt C , Lercher MJ , Weber AP
Ref : Science , 339 :1207 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schonknecht_2013_Science_339_1207
PubMedID: 23471408
Gene_locus related to this paper: galsu-m2y8v3 , galsu-m2xs14 , galsu-m2w341