White DG

References (6)

Title : Comparative genomics of 28 Salmonella enterica isolates: evidence for CRISPR-mediated adaptive sublineage evolution - Fricke_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_3556
Author(s) : Fricke WF , Mammel MK , McDermott PF , Tartera C , White DG , Leclerc JE , Ravel J , Cebula TA
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 193 :3556 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Fricke_2011_J.Bacteriol_193_3556
PubMedID: 21602358
Gene_locus related to this paper: salen-OPDB , salty-AES , salty-DLHH , salty-ENTF , salty-PLDB , salty-STM4506 , salty-STY3846 , salty-yafa , salty-YBFF , salty-ycfp , salty-YHET , salty-YQIA

Title : Horizontal gene transfer of a ColV plasmid has resulted in a dominant avian clonal type of Salmonella enterica serovar Kentucky - Johnson_2010_PLoS.One_5_e15524
Author(s) : Johnson TJ , Thorsness JL , Anderson CP , Lynne AM , Foley SL , Han J , Fricke WF , McDermott PF , White DG , Khatri M , Stell AL , Flores C , Singer RS
Ref : PLoS ONE , 5 :e15524 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Johnson_2010_PLoS.One_5_e15524
PubMedID: 21203520
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-IROE

Title : Comparative genomics of the IncA\/C multidrug resistance plasmid family - Fricke_2009_J.Bacteriol_191_4750
Author(s) : Fricke WF , Welch TJ , McDermott PF , Mammel MK , Leclerc JE , White DG , Cebula TA , Ravel J
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 191 :4750 , 2009
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PubMedSearch : Fricke_2009_J.Bacteriol_191_4750
PubMedID: 19482926

Title : Antimicrobial resistance-conferring plasmids with similarity to virulence plasmids from avian pathogenic Escherichia coli strains in Salmonella enterica serovar Kentucky isolates from poultry - Fricke_2009_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_75_5963
Author(s) : Fricke WF , McDermott PF , Mammel MK , Zhao S , Johnson TJ , Rasko DA , Fedorka-Cray PJ , Pedroso A , Whichard JM , Leclerc JE , White DG , Cebula TA , Ravel J
Ref : Applied Environmental Microbiology , 75 :5963 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Fricke_2009_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_75_5963
PubMedID: 19648374
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-IROD , shidy-q67dv1

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Author(s) : Bischoff KM , White DG , Hume ME , Poole TL , Nisbet DJ
Ref : FEMS Microbiology Letters , 243 :285 , 2005
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PubMedSearch : Bischoff_2005_FEMS.Microbiol.Lett_243_285
PubMedID: 15668031
Gene_locus related to this paper: ecoli-estX

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Abstract :
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PubMedID: 3704346