Wohlleben W

References (17)

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Gene_locus related to this paper: 9pseu-a0a075uue7 , 9pseu-a0a075v869 , 9pseu-a0a075uww4 , 9pseu-a0a075uk16 , amyor-r4t8c7 , 9pseu-a0a075uss8 , amyor-r4t1x8 , 9pseu-a0a075ult0 , 9pseu-a0a075upj7 , 9pseu-a0a075uy09 , 9pseu-a0a075v6c3 , 9pseu-a0a075ut42

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Gene_locus related to this paper: strc3-s5v3l4 , strc3-s5vff6 , strc3-s5va60

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Gene_locus related to this paper: strpr-SNBDE

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Gene_locus related to this paper: strpr-SNBDE

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Gene_locus related to this paper: strvr-q5iw44 , strvr-q5iw45

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Gene_locus related to this paper: strc3-s5vff6

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Gene_locus related to this paper: strvi-naptd , strvr-q5iw44 , strvr-q5iw45

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Gene_locus related to this paper: amyor-Q8RN07

Title : The phosphinomethylmalate isomerase gene pmi, encoding an aconitase-like enzyme, is involved in the synthesis of phosphinothricin tripeptide in Streptomyces viridochromogenes - Heinzelmann_2001_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_67_3603
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Gene_locus related to this paper: strvi-naptd , strvr-q5iw44 , strvr-q5iw45

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Gene_locus related to this paper: amyme-BHP , amyme-BPSC

Title : Epoxide hydrolase activity of Streptomyces strains - Zocher_2000_J.Biotechnol_77_287
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Title : Identification and analysis of the balhimycin biosynthetic gene cluster and its use for manipulating glycopeptide biosynthesis in Amycolatopsis mediterranei DSM5908. -
Author(s) : Pelzer S , Suessmuth R , Heckmann D , Recktenwald J , Huber P , Jung G , Wohlleben W
Ref : Antimicrob Agents Chemother , 43 :1565 , 1999
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Gene_locus related to this paper: amyme-BHP , amyme-BPSC

Title : Isolation and characterization of the PEP-phosphomutase and the phosphonopyruvate decarboxylase genes from the phosphinothricin tripeptide producer Streptomyces viridochromogenes Tu494 - Schwartz_1998_FEMS.Microbiol.Lett_163_149
Author(s) : Schwartz D , Recktenwald J , Pelzer S , Wohlleben W
Ref : FEMS Microbiology Letters , 163 :149 , 1998
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Gene_locus related to this paper: strvi-naptd , strvr-q5iw44 , strvr-q5iw45

Title : The peptide synthetase gene phsA from Streptomyces viridochromogenes is not juxtaposed with other genes involved in nonribosomal biosynthesis of peptides - Schwartz_1996_Appl.Environ.Microbiol_62_570
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Ref : Applied Environmental Microbiology , 62 :570 , 1996
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Gene_locus related to this paper: strvi-naptd , strvr-q5iw44 , strvr-q5iw45

Title : Identification and characterization of phosphinothricin-tripeptide biosynthetic genes in Streptomyces viridochromogenes - Wohlleben_1992_Gene_115_127
Author(s) : Wohlleben W , Alijah R , Dorendorf J , Hillemann D , Nussbaumer B , Pelzer S
Ref : Gene , 115 :127 , 1992
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Gene_locus related to this paper: strvi-naptd , strvr-q5iw44 , strvr-q5iw45

Title : Nucleotide sequence of the phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase gene from Streptomyces viridochromogenes Tu494 and its expression in Nicotiana tabacum - Wohlleben_1988_Gene_70_25
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Ref : Gene , 70 :25 , 1988
Abstract :
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Gene_locus related to this paper: strvi-naptd