Vaidyanathan S

References (2)

Title : Poster: Radioligand binding characterization of [3H]-A-998679: A novel positive allosteric modulator of alpha4\/beta2 nAChRs -
Author(s) : Anderson DJ , Vaidyanathan S , Namovic M , Donnelly-Roberts D , Lee L , Gopalakrishnan M
Ref : Biochemical Pharmacology , 78 :903 , 2009

Title : Marked hydronephrosis and hydroureter after distigmine therapy in an adult male patient with paraplegia due to spinal cord injury: a case report - Vaidyanathan_2009_Cases.J_2_7333
Author(s) : Vaidyanathan S , Mansour P , Soni BM , Hughes PL , Singh G , Oo T
Ref : Cases J , 2 :7333 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Vaidyanathan_2009_Cases.J_2_7333
PubMedID: 19918519