
Related to Eseroline and Physovenol. Building block of carbamates inhibitors of AChE


Type : Leaving group, Benzofuran

Chemical_Nomenclature : 8b-methyl-2,3a-dihydro-1H-furo[2,3-b][1]benzofuran-7-ol || (8bS)-8b-methyl-2,3a-dihydro-1H-furo[2,3-b][1]benzofuran-7-ol

Canonical SMILES : CC12CCOC1OC3=C2C=C(C=C3)O || C[C@@]12CCOC1OC3=C2C=C(C=C3)O

InChI : InChI=1S\/C11H12O3\/c1-11-4-5-13-10(11)14-9-3-2-7(12)6-8(9)11\/h2-3,6,10,12H,4-5H2,1H3 || InChI=1S\/C11H12O3\/c1-11-4-5-13-10(11)14-9-3-2-7(12)6-8(9)11\/h2-3,6,10,12H,4-5H2,1H3\/t10?,11-\/m0\/


Other name(s) :

MW : 192.21

Formula : C11H12O3

CAS_number :

PubChem : 11344530,    130750009



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