

Title : Effect of intracerebral injection of monoclonal acetylcholinesterase antibodies on cholinergic nerve terminals in the rat central nervous system - Bean_1991_Neurosci.Lett_133_145
Author(s) : Bean AJ , Xu Z , Chai SY , Brimijoin S , Hokfelt T
Ref : Neuroscience Letters , 133 :145 , 1991
Abstract :

In the rat, unilateral intrastriatal injection of monoclonal antibodies to acetylcholinesterase (AChE) produced ipsilateral disappearance of AChE-positive nerve terminals within striatum and adjacent cortex. No alterations in striatal staining patterns were observed for tyrosine hydroxylase, somatostatin, neuropeptide Y, substance P, or neurotensin. Ultrastructural studies demonstrated the presence of degenerating AChE-positive boutons ipsilaterally, while tyrosine hydroxylase positive terminals seemed unaffected. Apomorphine administration to rats which had received unilateral antibody injection resulted in ipsilateral rotational behavior. These data suggest that selective effects on cholinergic terminals with functional deficits can be produced within the central nervous system by intracerebral injection of AChE antibodies.

PubMedSearch : Bean_1991_Neurosci.Lett_133_145
PubMedID: 1686480

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Bean AJ, Xu Z, Chai SY, Brimijoin S, Hokfelt T (1991)
Effect of intracerebral injection of monoclonal acetylcholinesterase antibodies on cholinergic nerve terminals in the rat central nervous system
Neuroscience Letters 133 :145

Bean AJ, Xu Z, Chai SY, Brimijoin S, Hokfelt T (1991)
Neuroscience Letters 133 :145