

Title : Novel m1 muscarinic agonists in treatment and delaying the progression of Alzheimer's disease: An unifying hypothesis - Fisher_1998_J.Physiol.Paris_92_337
Author(s) : Fisher A , Brandeis R , Haring R , Eshhar N , Heldman E , Karton Y , Eisenberg O , Meshulam H , Marciano D , Bar-Ner N , Pittel Z
Ref : Journal de Physiologie (Paris) , 92 :337 , 1998
Abstract :

M1 selective agonists from the AF series (e.g. AF102B, AF150(S)), via m1 muscarinic receptors, activate distinct signal transductions, enhance amyloid precursors proteins secretion from transfected cells and primary cell cultures, show neurotrophic effects and are beneficial in a variety of animal models for Alzheimer's disease. Such m1 agonists may be effective in the treatment and therapy of Alzheimer's disease.

PubMedSearch : Fisher_1998_J.Physiol.Paris_92_337
PubMedID: 9789833

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Fisher A, Brandeis R, Haring R, Eshhar N, Heldman E, Karton Y, Eisenberg O, Meshulam H, Marciano D, Bar-Ner N, Pittel Z (1998)
Novel m1 muscarinic agonists in treatment and delaying the progression of Alzheimer's disease: An unifying hypothesis
Journal de Physiologie (Paris) 92 :337

Fisher A, Brandeis R, Haring R, Eshhar N, Heldman E, Karton Y, Eisenberg O, Meshulam H, Marciano D, Bar-Ner N, Pittel Z (1998)
Journal de Physiologie (Paris) 92 :337