

Title : Mutations in the channel domain of a neuronal nicotinic receptor convert ion selectivity from cationic to anionic - Galzi_1992_Nature_359_500
Author(s) : Galzi JL , Devillers-Thiery A , Hussy N , Bertrand S , Changeux JP , Bertrand D
Ref : Nature , 359 :500 , 1992
Abstract :

Introduction by site-directed mutagenesis of three amino acids from the MII segment of glycine or gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABAA) receptors into the MII segment of alpha 7 nicotinic receptor was sufficient to convert a cation-selective channel into an anion-selective channel gated by acetylcholine. A critical mutation was the insertion of an uncharged residue at the amino-terminal end of MII, stressing the importance of protein geometrical constraints on ion selectivity.

PubMedSearch : Galzi_1992_Nature_359_500
PubMedID: 1383829

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Citations formats

Galzi JL, Devillers-Thiery A, Hussy N, Bertrand S, Changeux JP, Bertrand D (1992)
Mutations in the channel domain of a neuronal nicotinic receptor convert ion selectivity from cationic to anionic
Nature 359 :500

Galzi JL, Devillers-Thiery A, Hussy N, Bertrand S, Changeux JP, Bertrand D (1992)
Nature 359 :500