

Title : Modeling assisted rational design of novel, potent, and selective pyrrolopyrimidine DPP-4 inhibitors - Gao_2007_Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett_17_3877
Author(s) : Gao YD , Feng D , Sheridan RP , Scapin G , Patel SB , Wu JK , Zhang X , Sinha-Roy R , Thornberry NA , Weber AE , Biftu T
Ref : Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Lett , 17 :3877 , 2007
Abstract :

Molecular modeling was used to improve potency of the cyclohexylamine series. In addition, a 3-D QSAR method was used to gain insight for reducing off-target DPP-8/9 activities. Compounds 3, 4, and 5 were synthesized and found to be potent DPP-4 inhibitors, in particular 4 and 5 are designed to be highly selective against off-target DASH enzymes while maintaining potency on DPP-4.

PubMedSearch : Gao_2007_Bioorg.Med.Chem.Lett_17_3877
PubMedID: 17502141

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Gao YD, Feng D, Sheridan RP, Scapin G, Patel SB, Wu JK, Zhang X, Sinha-Roy R, Thornberry NA, Weber AE, Biftu T (2007)
Modeling assisted rational design of novel, potent, and selective pyrrolopyrimidine DPP-4 inhibitors
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Lett 17 :3877

Gao YD, Feng D, Sheridan RP, Scapin G, Patel SB, Wu JK, Zhang X, Sinha-Roy R, Thornberry NA, Weber AE, Biftu T (2007)
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Lett 17 :3877