

Title : Neuroprotective Effects of Galantamine on Nerve Agent-Induced Neuroglial and Biochemical Changes - Golime_2018_Neurotox.Res_33_738
Author(s) : Golime R , Palit M , Acharya J , Dubey DK
Ref : Neurotox Res , 33 :738 , 2018
Abstract :

Neuroprotection from nerve agent such as soman-induced neural damage is a major challenge for existing drugs. Nerve agent exposure can cause many neural effects in survivors arising mainly due to acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibition or death within minutes. Unraveling the mechanisms underlying the nerve agent-induced multiple neurological effects is useful to develop better and safe drugs. The present study aimed to understand the molecular response during soman exposure and to evaluate the neuroprotective efficacy of galantamine on nerve agent-induced neurotoxic changes. mRNA expression studies using quantitative real-time PCR revealed significant changes in S-100beta, Gfap, c-fos, and Bdnf in the hippocampus and piriform cortex after soman (90 mug/kg, s.c) exposure. Immunoblot analysis showed acute soman exposure significantly increased the protein levels of neuroglial markers (S100-beta and GFAP); c-Fos and protein oxidation in discrete rat brain areas indicate their role in nerve agent-induced neurotoxicity. Induction of BDNF levels during soman exposure may indicate the recovery mechanisms activation. AChE was inhibited in the blood and brain up to 82% after soman exposure. Antidotal treatment with galantamine alone (3 mg/kg) and galantamine plus atropine (10 mg/kg) has protected animals from nerve agent-induced intoxication, death, and soman-inhibited AChE up to 45% in the blood and brain. Animal received galantamine displayed increased levels of neuroprotective genes (nAChRalpha-7, Bcl-2, and Bdnf) in the brain suggest the neuroprotective value of galantamine. Neuroglial changes, c-Fos, and protein oxidation levels significantly reduced after galantamine and galantamine plus atropine treatment indicate their potential antidotal value in nerve agent treatment.

PubMedSearch : Golime_2018_Neurotox.Res_33_738
PubMedID: 28929435

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Citations formats

Golime R, Palit M, Acharya J, Dubey DK (2018)
Neuroprotective Effects of Galantamine on Nerve Agent-Induced Neuroglial and Biochemical Changes
Neurotox Res 33 :738

Golime R, Palit M, Acharya J, Dubey DK (2018)
Neurotox Res 33 :738