Dubey DK

References (8)

Title : Neuroprotective Effects of Galantamine on Nerve Agent-Induced Neuroglial and Biochemical Changes - Golime_2018_Neurotox.Res_33_738
Author(s) : Golime R , Palit M , Acharya J , Dubey DK
Ref : Neurotox Res , 33 :738 , 2018
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 28929435

Title : In vitro reactivation potency of novel symmetrical bis-pyridinium oximes for electric eel acetylcholinesterase inhibited by nerve agent sarin - Acharya_2011_Toxicol.In.Vitro_25_2135
Author(s) : Acharya J , Dubey DK , Kaushik MP
Ref : Toxicol In Vitro , 25 :2135 , 2011
Abstract :
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Title : In vitro evaluation of bis-pyridinium oximes bearing methoxy alkane linker as reactivators of sarin inhibited human acetylcholinesterase - Acharya_2010_Toxicol.In.Vitro_24_1797
Author(s) : Acharya J , Dubey DK , Raza SK
Ref : Toxicol In Vitro , 24 :1797 , 2010
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Title : Synthesis and evaluation of novel bis-pyridinium oximes as reactivators of DFP-inhibited acetylcholinesterase - Acharya_2009_Eur.J.Med.Chem_44_1335
Author(s) : Acharya J , Gupta AK , Dubey DK , Raza SK
Ref : Eur Journal of Medicinal Chemistry , 44 :1335 , 2009
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Title : In-vitro regeneration of sarin inhibited electric eel acetylcholinesterase by bis-pyridinium oximes bearing xylene linker - Acharya_2009_Eur.J.Med.Chem_44_1326
Author(s) : Acharya J , Gupta AK , Mazumder A , Dubey DK
Ref : Eur Journal of Medicinal Chemistry , 44 :1326 , 2009
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Title : In vitro reactivation of sarin inhibited electric eel acetylcholinesterase by bis-pyridinium oximes bearing methoxy ether linkages - Acharya_2008_Toxicol.In.Vitro_22_525
Author(s) : Acharya J , Gupta AK , Mazumder A , Dubey DK
Ref : Toxicol In Vitro , 22 :525 , 2008
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Title : Mass spectral studies on synthetic analogs of organophosphorus toxin occurring in dinoflagellate algae - Gupta_2005_Eur.J.Mass.Spectrom.(Chichester)_11_119
Author(s) : Gupta AK , Palit M , Dubey DK , Raza SK
Ref : Eur J Mass Spectrom (Chichester) , 11 :119 , 2005
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Title : Antidotal efficacy of pyridinium oximes and cholineacetyltransferase inhibitors against organophosphorus intoxication in rodents - Dube_2000_Indian.J.Physiol.Pharmacol_44_50
Author(s) : Dube SN , Kumar D , Acharya J , Dubey DK , Purnanand , Sikder AK
Ref : Indian Journal de Physiologie Pharmacol , 44 :50 , 2000
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 10919095