

Title : Outbred genome sequencing and CRISPR\/Cas9 gene editing in butterflies - Li_2015_Nat.Commun_6_8212
Author(s) : Li X , Fan D , Zhang W , Liu G , Zhang L , Zhao L , Fang X , Chen L , Dong Y , Chen Y , Ding Y , Zhao R , Feng M , Zhu Y , Feng Y , Jiang X , Zhu D , Xiang H , Feng X , Li S , Wang J , Zhang G , Kronforst MR , Wang W
Ref : Nat Commun , 6 :8212 , 2015
Abstract :

Butterflies are exceptionally diverse but their potential as an experimental system has been limited by the difficulty of deciphering heterozygous genomes and a lack of genetic manipulation technology. Here we use a hybrid assembly approach to construct high-quality reference genomes for Papilio xuthus (contig and scaffold N50: 492 kb, 3.4 Mb) and Papilio machaon (contig and scaffold N50: 81 kb, 1.15 Mb), highly heterozygous species that differ in host plant affiliations, and adult and larval colour patterns. Integrating comparative genomics and analyses of gene expression yields multiple insights into butterfly evolution, including potential roles of specific genes in recent diversification. To functionally test gene function, we develop an efficient (up to 92.5%) CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing method that yields obvious phenotypes with three genes, Abdominal-B, ebony and frizzled. Our results provide valuable genomic and technological resources for butterflies and unlock their potential as a genetic model system.

PubMedSearch : Li_2015_Nat.Commun_6_8212
PubMedID: 26354079
Gene_locus related to this paper: papxu-a0a194pj15 , papxu-a0a194q254 , papma-a0a194rdx2 , papxu-a0a194q858 , papxu-a0a194pyl3 , papxu-a0a194q337 , papma-a0a194r1p9 , papma-a0a194r6h1 , papxu-a0a194q1w8 , papma-a0a194ql80 , papma-a0a0n1ipl3 , papma-a0a194qm14 , papma-a0a194qw85

Citations formats

Li X, Fan D, Zhang W, Liu G, Zhang L, Zhao L, Fang X, Chen L, Dong Y, Chen Y, Ding Y, Zhao R, Feng M, Zhu Y, Feng Y, Jiang X, Zhu D, Xiang H, Feng X, Li S, Wang J, Zhang G, Kronforst MR, Wang W (2015)
Outbred genome sequencing and CRISPR\/Cas9 gene editing in butterflies
Nat Commun 6 :8212

Li X, Fan D, Zhang W, Liu G, Zhang L, Zhao L, Fang X, Chen L, Dong Y, Chen Y, Ding Y, Zhao R, Feng M, Zhu Y, Feng Y, Jiang X, Zhu D, Xiang H, Feng X, Li S, Wang J, Zhang G, Kronforst MR, Wang W (2015)
Nat Commun 6 :8212