

Title : An enolase inhibitor for the targeted treatment of ENO1-deleted cancers - Lin_2020_Nat.Metab_2_1413
Author(s) : Lin YH , Satani N , Hammoudi N , Yan VC , Barekatain Y , Khadka S , Ackroyd JJ , Georgiou DK , Pham CD , Arthur K , Maxwell D , Peng Z , Leonard PG , Czako B , Pisaneschi F , Mandal P , Sun Y , Zielinski R , Pando SC , Wang X , Tran T , Xu Q , Wu Q , Jiang Y , Kang Z , Asara JM , Priebe W , Bornmann W , Marszalek JR , DePinho RA , Muller FL
Ref : Nat Metab , 2 :1413 , 2020
Abstract :

Inhibiting glycolysis remains an aspirational approach for the treatment of cancer. We have previously identified a subset of cancers harbouring homozygous deletion of the glycolytic enzyme enolase (ENO1) that have exceptional sensitivity to inhibition of its redundant paralogue, ENO2, through a therapeutic strategy known as collateral lethality. Here, we show that a small-molecule enolase inhibitor, POMHEX, can selectively kill ENO1-deleted glioma cells at low-nanomolar concentrations and eradicate intracranial orthotopic ENO1-deleted tumours in mice at doses well-tolerated in non-human primates. Our data provide an in vivo proof of principle of the power of collateral lethality in precision oncology and demonstrate the utility of POMHEX for glycolysis inhibition with potential use across a range of therapeutic settings.

PubMedSearch : Lin_2020_Nat.Metab_2_1413
PubMedID: 33230295

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Lin YH, Satani N, Hammoudi N, Yan VC, Barekatain Y, Khadka S, Ackroyd JJ, Georgiou DK, Pham CD, Arthur K, Maxwell D, Peng Z, Leonard PG, Czako B, Pisaneschi F, Mandal P, Sun Y, Zielinski R, Pando SC, Wang X, Tran T, Xu Q, Wu Q, Jiang Y, Kang Z, Asara JM, Priebe W, Bornmann W, Marszalek JR, DePinho RA, Muller FL (2020)
An enolase inhibitor for the targeted treatment of ENO1-deleted cancers
Nat Metab 2 :1413

Lin YH, Satani N, Hammoudi N, Yan VC, Barekatain Y, Khadka S, Ackroyd JJ, Georgiou DK, Pham CD, Arthur K, Maxwell D, Peng Z, Leonard PG, Czako B, Pisaneschi F, Mandal P, Sun Y, Zielinski R, Pando SC, Wang X, Tran T, Xu Q, Wu Q, Jiang Y, Kang Z, Asara JM, Priebe W, Bornmann W, Marszalek JR, DePinho RA, Muller FL (2020)
Nat Metab 2 :1413