

Title : Truncated Variants of Serratia proteamaculans Oligopeptidase B Having Different Activities - Mikhailova_2015_Biochemistry.(Mosc)_80_1331
Author(s) : Mikhailova AG , Nekrasov AN , Zinchenko AA , Rakitina TV , Korzhenevsky DA , Lipkin AV , Razguljaeva OA , Ovchinnikova MV , Gorlenko VA , Rumsh LD
Ref : Biochemistry (Mosc) , 80 :1331 , 2015
Abstract :

Treatment of native psychrophilic oligopeptidase B from Serratia proteamaculans (PSP, 78 kDa) with chymotrypsin (soluble or immobilized on modified porous glass MPG-PA) in the presence of 50% glycerol leads to production of a truncated enzyme form (PSP-Chtr, ~66 kDa), which retains activity toward the low molecular weight substrate of PSP, BAPNA, but in contrast to PSP, is active toward the protein substrate azocasein. It has been shown by MALDI-TOF mass-spectrometry that PSP-Chtr lacks the N-terminal region of the molecule that envelops the catalytic domain of PSP and supposedly prevents hydrolysis of high molecular weight substrates. It has also been established that the lacking fragment corresponds to the N-terminal highest rank element of the informational structure of PSP. This finding confirms the usefulness of the method of informational structure analysis for protein engineering of enzymes. A similar treatment of PSP with immobilized trypsin also led to production of a stable truncated enzyme form (PSP-Tr, ~75 kDa) which lacked 22 C-terminal amino acid residues and completely lost enzymatic activity, presumably because of changes in the nearest environment of His652 of the catalytic triad.

PubMedSearch : Mikhailova_2015_Biochemistry.(Mosc)_80_1331
PubMedID: 26567578
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9gamm-b3vi58

Related information

Substrate BAPNA
Gene_locus 9gamm-b3vi58

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Mikhailova AG, Nekrasov AN, Zinchenko AA, Rakitina TV, Korzhenevsky DA, Lipkin AV, Razguljaeva OA, Ovchinnikova MV, Gorlenko VA, Rumsh LD (2015)
Truncated Variants of Serratia proteamaculans Oligopeptidase B Having Different Activities
Biochemistry (Mosc) 80 :1331

Mikhailova AG, Nekrasov AN, Zinchenko AA, Rakitina TV, Korzhenevsky DA, Lipkin AV, Razguljaeva OA, Ovchinnikova MV, Gorlenko VA, Rumsh LD (2015)
Biochemistry (Mosc) 80 :1331