Title : A-agents, misleadingly known as Novichoks: a narrative review - Opravil_2023_Arch.Toxicol__ |
Author(s) : Opravil J , Pejchal J , Finger V , Korabecny J , Rozsypal T , Hrabinova M , Muckova L , Hepnarova V , Konecny J , Soukup O , Jun D |
Ref : Archives of Toxicology , : , 2023 |
Abstract :
"Novichok" refers to a new group of nerve agents called the A-series agents. Their existence came to light in 2018 after incidents in the UK and again in 2020 in Russia. They are unique organophosphorus-based compounds developed during the Cold War in a program called Foliant in the USSR. This review is based on original chemical entities from Mirzayanov's memoirs published in 2008. Due to classified research, a considerable debate arose about their structures, and hence, various structural moieties were speculated. For this reason, the scientific literature is highly incomplete and, in some cases, contradictory. This review critically assesses the information published to date on this class of compounds. The scope of this work is to summarize all the available and relevant information, including the physicochemical properties, chemical synthesis, mechanism of action, toxicity, pharmacokinetics, and medical countermeasures used to date. The environmental stability of A-series agents, the lack of environmentally safe decontamination, their high toxicity, and the scarcity of information on post-contamination treatment pose a challenge for managing possible incidents. |
PubMedSearch : Opravil_2023_Arch.Toxicol__ |
PubMedID: 37612377 |
Opravil J, Pejchal J, Finger V, Korabecny J, Rozsypal T, Hrabinova M, Muckova L, Hepnarova V, Konecny J, Soukup O, Jun D (2023)
A-agents, misleadingly known as Novichoks: a narrative review
Archives of Toxicology
Opravil J, Pejchal J, Finger V, Korabecny J, Rozsypal T, Hrabinova M, Muckova L, Hepnarova V, Konecny J, Soukup O, Jun D (2023)
Archives of Toxicology