

Title : Testing of a Referential Method Based on Indoxylacetate as a Acetylcholinesterase Substrate for Identification of Reactivation Efficacy. - Pohanka_2010_Mil.Med.Sci.Lett_79_111
Author(s) : Pohanka M , Hrabinova M , Karasova JZ , Holas O , Kuca K , Cabal J
Ref : Military Medical Science Letters , 79 :111 , 2010
Abstract :

Biochemical evaluation of acetylcholinesterase activity is an important factor for selection and evaluation of drugs, such as oxime reactivators, which modulate acetylcholinesterase activity. A spontaneous reaction between an Ellman reagent and an oxime reactivator is the main disadvantage of currently available Ellman's method used for identification of cholinesterase activity. In this study, an alternative chromogen, substrate indoxylacetate is used. It is suitable for evaluation of acetylcholinesterase reactivation efficacy without oxime interference in vitro. The method was successfully examined for five standard oxime reactivators (HI-6, methoxime, trimedoxime, obidoxime, and 2-PAM) and three organophosphate inhibitors: paraoxon-methyl, sarin and tabun.

PubMedSearch : Pohanka_2010_Mil.Med.Sci.Lett_79_111

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Pohanka M, Hrabinova M, Karasova JZ, Holas O, Kuca K, Cabal J (2010)
Testing of a Referential Method Based on Indoxylacetate as a Acetylcholinesterase Substrate for Identification of Reactivation Efficacy.
Military Medical Science Letters 79 :111

Pohanka M, Hrabinova M, Karasova JZ, Holas O, Kuca K, Cabal J (2010)
Military Medical Science Letters 79 :111