

Title : The genome of the platyfish, Xiphophorus maculatus, provides insights into evolutionary adaptation and several complex traits - Schartl_2013_Nat.Genet_45_567
Author(s) : Schartl M , Walter RB , Shen Y , Garcia T , Catchen J , Amores A , Braasch I , Chalopin D , Volff JN , Lesch KP , Bisazza A , Minx P , Hillier L , Wilson RK , Fuerstenberg S , Boore J , Searle S , Postlethwait JH , Warren WC
Ref : Nat Genet , 45 :567 , 2013
Abstract :

Several attributes intuitively considered to be typical mammalian features, such as complex behavior, live birth and malignant disease such as cancer, also appeared several times independently in lower vertebrates. The genetic mechanisms underlying the evolution of these elaborate traits are poorly understood. The platyfish, X. maculatus, offers a unique model to better understand the molecular biology of such traits. We report here the sequencing of the platyfish genome. Integrating genome assembly with extensive genetic maps identified an unexpected evolutionary stability of chromosomes in fish, in contrast to in mammals. Genes associated with viviparity show signatures of positive selection, identifying new putative functional domains and rare cases of parallel evolution. We also find that genes implicated in cognition show an unexpectedly high rate of duplicate gene retention after the teleost genome duplication event, suggesting a hypothesis for the evolution of the behavioral complexity in fish, which exceeds that found in amphibians and reptiles.

PubMedSearch : Schartl_2013_Nat.Genet_45_567
PubMedID: 23542700
Gene_locus related to this paper: xipma-m4a796 , xipma-a0a3b5r0c8 , xipma-m3zmg6 , xipma-m3zml4 , xipma-m4a704 , xipma-a0a3b5r3p5 , xipma-a0a3b5rfa0 , xipma-m3zns4 , xipma-m4a5i1 , xipma-m3zxe7 , xipma-a0a3b5r7u3 , xipma-m3zyp9 , xipma-m4a7a2 , xipma-m4a1z8 , xipma-a0a3b5qbj2 , xipma-m4azu0 , xipma-a0a3b5q4l7 , xipma-a0a3b5qze0 , xipma-m3zy59

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Schartl M, Walter RB, Shen Y, Garcia T, Catchen J, Amores A, Braasch I, Chalopin D, Volff JN, Lesch KP, Bisazza A, Minx P, Hillier L, Wilson RK, Fuerstenberg S, Boore J, Searle S, Postlethwait JH, Warren WC (2013)
The genome of the platyfish, Xiphophorus maculatus, provides insights into evolutionary adaptation and several complex traits
Nat Genet 45 :567

Schartl M, Walter RB, Shen Y, Garcia T, Catchen J, Amores A, Braasch I, Chalopin D, Volff JN, Lesch KP, Bisazza A, Minx P, Hillier L, Wilson RK, Fuerstenberg S, Boore J, Searle S, Postlethwait JH, Warren WC (2013)
Nat Genet 45 :567