Title : Limitation of the Ellman method: cholinesterase activity measurement in the presence of oximes - Sinko_2007_Anal.Biochem_370_223 |
Author(s) : Sinko G , Calic M , Bosak A , Kovarik Z |
Ref : Analytical Biochemistry , 370 :223 , 2007 |
Abstract :
The Ellman method for assaying thiols is widely used for cholinesterase activity measurement. Cholinesterase activity is measured indirectly by quantifying the concentration of 5-thio-2-nitrobenzoic acid (TNB) ion formed in the reaction between the thiol reagent 5,5'-dithiobis-2-nitrobenzoic acid (DTNB) and thiocholine, a product of substrate (i.e., acetylthiocholine [ATCh]) hydrolysis by the cholinesterase. Oximes, reactivators of inhibited cholinesterase, are nucleophiles that also react with ATCh (oximolysis), producing thiocholine and (indirectly) TNB ion. The aim of this study was to characterize ATCh oximolysis. Therefore, we measured the oximolysis between oximes (K027 and HI-6) and ATCh in the presence of DTNB at different pH values, taking into account the final concentration of a product that is thiocholine. To confirm oximate ion involvement in the nucleophilic attack, we also determined the reaction rate between the oximes and ATCh, without DTNB, at different pH values by measuring the decrease in oximate ion absorption over time. The oximate ion of K027 reacted 14 times faster with ATCh (306M(-1)min(-1)) than the oximate ion of HI-6 (22M(-1)min(-1)). However, the rate constants obtained with the Ellman method were 84M(-1)min(-1) for K027 and 22M(-1)min(-1) for HI-6. Our results confirmed that the rate obtained with K027 using the Ellman method is actually the rate of the Ellman reaction itself. This suggests that the Ellman method cannot be used uncritically to evaluate oxime reaction with choline esters, in particular when oximolysis is faster than the Ellman reaction itself at a given pH. |
PubMedSearch : Sinko_2007_Anal.Biochem_370_223 |
PubMedID: 17716616 |
Sinko G, Calic M, Bosak A, Kovarik Z (2007)
Limitation of the Ellman method: cholinesterase activity measurement in the presence of oximes
Analytical Biochemistry
370 :223
Sinko G, Calic M, Bosak A, Kovarik Z (2007)
Analytical Biochemistry
370 :223