

Title : First Novozym 435 lipase-catalyzed Morita-Baylis-Hillman reaction in the presence of amides - Tian_2016_Enzyme.Microb.Technol_84_32
Author(s) : Tian X , Zhang S , Zheng L
Ref : Enzyme Microb Technol , 84 :32 , 2016
Abstract :

The first Novozym 435 lipase-catalyzed Morita-Baylis-Hillman (MBH) reaction with amides as co-catalyst was realized. Results showed that neither Novozym 435 nor amide can independently catalyze the reaction. This co-catalytic system that used a catalytic amount of Novozym 435 with a corresponding amount of amide was established and optimized. The MBH reaction strongly depended on the structure of aldehyde substrate, amide co-catalyst, and reaction additives. The optimized reaction yield (43.4%) was achieved in the Novozym 435-catalyzed MBH reaction of 2, 4-dinitrobenzaldehyde and cyclohexenone with isonicotinamide as co-catalyst and beta-cyclodextrin as additive only in 2 days. Although enantioselectivity of Novozym 435 was not found, the results were still significant because an MBH reaction using lipase as biocatalyst was realized for the first time.

PubMedSearch : Tian_2016_Enzyme.Microb.Technol_84_32
PubMedID: 26827772

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Tian X, Zhang S, Zheng L (2016)
First Novozym 435 lipase-catalyzed Morita-Baylis-Hillman reaction in the presence of amides
Enzyme Microb Technol 84 :32

Tian X, Zhang S, Zheng L (2016)
Enzyme Microb Technol 84 :32