Title : DPPX potassium channel antibody: frequency, clinical accompaniments, and outcomes in 20 patients - Tobin_2014_Neurology_83_1797 |
Author(s) : Tobin WO , Lennon VA , Komorowski L , Probst C , Clardy SL , Aksamit AJ , Appendino JP , Lucchinetti CF , Matsumoto JY , Pittock SJ , Sandroni P , Tippmann-Peikert M , Wirrell EC , McKeon A |
Ref : Neurology , 83 :1797 , 2014 |
Abstract :
OBJECTIVE: To describe the detection frequency and clinical associations of immunoglobulin G (IgG) targeting dipeptidyl-peptidase-like protein-6 (DPPX), a regulatory subunit of neuronal Kv4.2 potassium channels. |
PubMedSearch : Tobin_2014_Neurology_83_1797 |
PubMedID: 25320100 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-DPP6 |
Tobin WO, Lennon VA, Komorowski L, Probst C, Clardy SL, Aksamit AJ, Appendino JP, Lucchinetti CF, Matsumoto JY, Pittock SJ, Sandroni P, Tippmann-Peikert M, Wirrell EC, McKeon A (2014)
DPPX potassium channel antibody: frequency, clinical accompaniments, and outcomes in 20 patients
83 :1797
Tobin WO, Lennon VA, Komorowski L, Probst C, Clardy SL, Aksamit AJ, Appendino JP, Lucchinetti CF, Matsumoto JY, Pittock SJ, Sandroni P, Tippmann-Peikert M, Wirrell EC, McKeon A (2014)
83 :1797