Title : Effects of an alpha 7-nicotinic agonist on default network activity in schizophrenia - Tregellas_2011_Biol.Psychiatry_69_7 |
Author(s) : Tregellas JR , Tanabe J , Rojas DC , Shatti S , Olincy A , Johnson L , Martin LF , Soti F , Kem WR , Leonard S , Freedman R |
Ref : Biological Psychiatry , 69 :7 , 2011 |
Abstract :
BACKGROUND: 3-(2,4-dimethoxybenzylidene)-anabaseine (DMXB-A) is a partial agonist at alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors that has been evaluated clinically for treatment of schizophrenia. This study examined the effects of DMXB-A on default network activity as a biomarker for drug effects on pathologic brain function associated with schizophrenia. |
PubMedSearch : Tregellas_2011_Biol.Psychiatry_69_7 |
PubMedID: 20728875 |
Tregellas JR, Tanabe J, Rojas DC, Shatti S, Olincy A, Johnson L, Martin LF, Soti F, Kem WR, Leonard S, Freedman R (2011)
Effects of an alpha 7-nicotinic agonist on default network activity in schizophrenia
Biological Psychiatry
69 :7
Tregellas JR, Tanabe J, Rojas DC, Shatti S, Olincy A, Johnson L, Martin LF, Soti F, Kem WR, Leonard S, Freedman R (2011)
Biological Psychiatry
69 :7