

Title : Stereoselectivities of enantiomers of huperzine A in protection against beta-amyloid(25-35)-induced injury in PC12 and NG108-15 cells and cholinesterase inhibition in mice - Zhang_2002_Neurosci.Lett_317_143
Author(s) : Zhang HY , Liang YQ , Tang XC , He XC , Bai DL
Ref : Neuroscience Letters , 317 :143 , 2002
Abstract :

Recently the potent cholinesterase inhibitor huperzine A HupA was demonstrated to protect neuronal and glial cells against the cytotoxicity of beta-amyloid Abeta Since the unnatural HupA is a much less potent inhibitor it was of interest to examine the stereoselectivity of cellular protection by the two isomers In the present study effects of and HupA on Abeta(25-35)-induced injury were compared in PC12 and NG108-15 neuroblastoma cell lines Following a 24 h exposure to 1 microM Abeta(25-35 cell survival was markedly reduced but preincubation with HupA or HupA 0.1-10 microM enhanced survival significantly The potency of HupA and HupA in protecting against Abeta toxicity was similar This result contrasted with the stereoselectivity of cholinesterase inhibition in vitro and in vivo in which HupA is about 50-fold more potent than HupA It is concluded that the neuroprotective properties of HupA enantiomers have no relation to anti-cholinesterase activity

PubMedSearch : Zhang_2002_Neurosci.Lett_317_143
PubMedID: 11755260

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Zhang HY, Liang YQ, Tang XC, He XC, Bai DL (2002)
Stereoselectivities of enantiomers of huperzine A in protection against beta-amyloid(25-35)-induced injury in PC12 and NG108-15 cells and cholinesterase inhibition in mice
Neuroscience Letters 317 :143

Zhang HY, Liang YQ, Tang XC, He XC, Bai DL (2002)
Neuroscience Letters 317 :143