

Title : Preparation of medium- and long-chain triacylglycerols rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids by bio-imprinted lipase-catalyzed interesterification - Zou_2024_Food.Chem_455_139907
Author(s) : Zou X , Khan I , Wang Y , Hussain M , Jiang B , Zheng L , Pan Y , Hu J , Khalid MU
Ref : Food Chem , 455 :139907 , 2024
Abstract :

Medium and long-chain triacylglycerol (MLCT) rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were obtained in three-hour interesterification of fish oil with medium-chain triacylglycerol (MCTs), using lipase bio-imprinted with surfactant as a catalyst. Initially, for bio-imprinted lipase preparation, the interesterification reaction conditions were optimized, resulting in a lipase with 1.47 times higher catalytic activity compared to control (non-bio-imprinted). Afterwards, the reaction conditions for MLCT synthesis were optimized, using bio-imprinted lipase as a catalyst. The reaction reached equilibrium within first three hours at 70 degreesC temperature, 4 wt% lipase load, and molar ratio of substrate 1:1.5. Under these conditions, final product contained 18.52% MCT, 56.65% MLCT, and 24.83% long-chain triacylglycerol (LCT). To reduce the MCT content, a solvent extraction process was performed, yielding 2.42% MCT, 56.19% MLCT, and 41.39% LCT. The obtained structured lipids (SLs), enriched in n-3 PUFAs, offer significant health benefits, enhanced bioavailability, with potential applications in functional foods and nutraceuticals.

PubMedSearch : Zou_2024_Food.Chem_455_139907
PubMedID: 38823130

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Zou X, Khan I, Wang Y, Hussain M, Jiang B, Zheng L, Pan Y, Hu J, Khalid MU (2024)
Preparation of medium- and long-chain triacylglycerols rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids by bio-imprinted lipase-catalyzed interesterification
Food Chem 455 :139907

Zou X, Khan I, Wang Y, Hussain M, Jiang B, Zheng L, Pan Y, Hu J, Khalid MU (2024)
Food Chem 455 :139907