Kosmotoga olearia

4 Alpha/beta hydrolase fold proteins and 0 fragments are known to date in Homo sapiens

Taxonomy of Kosmotoga olearia

NCBI Tax ID at NCBI: 651457, NCBI Tax ID in ESTHER for more genes: 651457,

cellular organisms, Bacteria, Thermotogae [phylum], Thermotogae [class], Kosmotogales, Kosmotogaceae, Kosmotoga, Kosmotoga olearia

Gene_locus Family Description
kosot-c5cf43 CarbLipBact_2 Kosmotoga olearia (strain TBF 19.5.1) Alpha/beta hydrolase fold protein
kosot-c5ch19 6_AlphaBeta_hydrolase Kosmotoga olearia (strain TBF 19.5.1) Putative uncharacterized protein
kosot-c5ci03 PhoPQ_related Kosmotoga olearia (strain TBF 19.5.1) Putative uncharacterized protein
kosot-c5ci75 Monoglyceridelipase_lysophospholip Kosmotoga olearia (strain TBF 19.5.1) Alpha/beta hydrolase fold protein
Gene_Locus fragment Family Description
No result