Name : Crystal structure of human monoglyceride lipase

Revelation date : 08-Dec-2009

Family : Monoglyceridelipase_lysophospholip

Gene_locus : human-MGLL

PDB file : ESTHER: header of PDB entry RCSB: Full entry

Labar, G., Bauvois, C., Borel, F., Ferrer, J.-L., Wouters, J., Lambert, D.M.

Ligand : Ligand in structure: Ligplot

References (1)

Title : Crystal structure of the human monoacylglycerol lipase, a key actor in endocannabinoid signaling - Labar_2010_Chembiochem_11_218
Author(s) : Labar G , Bauvois C , Borel F , Ferrer JL , Wouters J , Lambert DM
Ref : Chembiochem , 11 :218 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Labar_2010_Chembiochem_11_218
PubMedID: 19957260
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-MGLL

Representative scheme of Prolylcarboxypeptidase structure and an image from PDBsum server


PDB-Sum : 3HJU Previously Class, Architecture, Topology and Homologous superfamily - PDB-Sum server

FSSP : 3HJU Fold classification based on Structure-Structure alignment of Proteins - FSSP server

SCOP : 3HJU Structural Classification Of Protein - SCOP server

PROTEOPEDIA : 3HJU 3D, interactive encyclopedia of proteins - PROTEOPEDIA server