Name : Monoclinic structure of the acetyl esterase MekB
Revelation date : 16-Dec-2015
Family : Homoserine_transacetylase_like_est
Gene_locus : 9psed-q0mrg5
PDB file : ESTHER: header of PDB entry RCSB: Full entry
Toelzer, C., Pal, S., Watzlawick, H., Altenbuchner, J., Niefind, K.
Ligand : Ligand in structure: Ligplot
Title : A novel esterase subfamily with alpha\/beta-hydrolase fold suggested by structures of two bacterial enzymes homologous to l-homoserine O-acetyl transferases - Tolzer_2016_FEBS.Lett_590_174 |
Author(s) : Tolzer C , Pal S , Watzlawick H , Altenbuchner J , Niefind K |
Ref : FEBS Letters , 590 :174 , 2016 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Tolzer_2016_FEBS.Lett_590_174 |
PubMedID: 26787467 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9psed-q0mrg5 |
PDB-Sum : 5EFZ Previously Class, Architecture, Topology and Homologous superfamily - PDB-Sum server
FSSP : 5EFZ Fold classification based on Structure-Structure alignment of Proteins - FSSP server
SCOP : 5EFZ Structural Classification Of Protein - SCOP server
PROTEOPEDIA : 5EFZ 3D, interactive encyclopedia of proteins - PROTEOPEDIA server