

Title : A novel esterase subfamily with alpha\/beta-hydrolase fold suggested by structures of two bacterial enzymes homologous to l-homoserine O-acetyl transferases - Tolzer_2016_FEBS.Lett_590_174
Author(s) : Tolzer C , Pal S , Watzlawick H , Altenbuchner J , Niefind K
Ref : FEBS Letters , 590 :174 , 2016
Abstract :

MekB from Pseudomonas veronii and CgHle from Corynebacteriumglutamicum belong to the superfamily of alpha/beta-hydrolase fold proteins. Based on sequence comparisons, they are annotated as homoserine transacetylases in popular databases like UNIPROT, PFAM or ESTHER. However, experimentally, MekB and CgHle were shown to be esterases that hydrolyse preferentially acetic acid esters. We describe the x-ray structures of these enzymes solved to high resolution. The overall structures confirm the close relatedness to experimentally validated homoserine acetyl transferases, but simultaneously the structures exclude the ability of MekB and CgHle to bind homoserine and acetyl-CoA. Insofar the MekB and CgHle structures suggest dividing the homoserine transacetylase family into subfamilies, namely genuine acetyl transferases and acetyl esterases with MekB and CgHle as constituting members of the latter.

PubMedSearch : Tolzer_2016_FEBS.Lett_590_174
PubMedID: 26787467
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9psed-q0mrg5

Related information

Gene_locus 9psed-q0mrg5
Family Homoserine_transacetylase_like_est
Structure 5EFZ    5E4Y    5D6O    5D7B

Citations formats

Tolzer C, Pal S, Watzlawick H, Altenbuchner J, Niefind K (2016)
A novel esterase subfamily with alpha\/beta-hydrolase fold suggested by structures of two bacterial enzymes homologous to l-homoserine O-acetyl transferases
FEBS Letters 590 :174

Tolzer C, Pal S, Watzlawick H, Altenbuchner J, Niefind K (2016)
FEBS Letters 590 :174