Adler LE

References (19)

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Title : Improved p50 auditory gating with ondansetron in medicated schizophrenia patients - Adler_2005_Am.J.Psychiatry_162_386
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Title : The genetics of sensory gating deficits in schizophrenia - Freedman_2003_Curr.Psychiatry.Rep_5_155
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Title : Input dysfunction, schizotypy, and genetic models of schizophrenia - Freedman_2002_Schizophr.Res_54_25
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Title : Smoking and mental illness - Leonard_2001_Pharmacol.Biochem.Behav_70_561
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Title : Reversal of diminished inhibitory sensory gating in cocaine addicts by a nicotinic cholinergic mechanism - Adler_2001_Neuropsychopharmacology_24_671
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Title : Familial transmission of risk factors in the first-degree relatives of schizophrenic people - Waldo_2000_Biol.Psychiatry_47_231
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Title : Inhibitory neurophysiological deficit as a phenotype for genetic investigation of schizophrenia - Freedman_2000_Am.J.Med.Genet_97_58
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Title : Elementary phenotypes in the neurobiological and genetic study of schizophrenia - Adler_1999_Biol.Psychiatry_46_8
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Title : Schizophrenia, sensory gating, and nicotinic receptors - Adler_1998_Schizophr.Bull_24_189
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Title : Nicotinic receptors, smoking and schizophrenia - Leonard_1998_Restor.Neurol.Neurosci_12_195
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Title : Further investigation of a chromosome 15 locus in schizophrenia: analysis of affected sibpairs from the NIMH Genetics Initiative - Leonard_1998_Am.J.Med.Genet_81_308
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Title : Linkage of a neurophysiological deficit in schizophrenia to a chromosome 15 locus - Freedman_1997_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_94_587
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Title : Nicotinic receptor function in schizophrenia - Leonard_1996_Schizophr.Bull_22_431
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Ref : Schizophr Bull , 22 :431 , 1996
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Title : Evidence in postmortem brain tissue for decreased numbers of hippocampal nicotinic receptors in schizophrenia - Freedman_1995_Biol.Psychiatry_38_22
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Title : Schizophrenia and nicotinic receptors - Freedman_1994_Harv.Rev.Psychiatry_2_179
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