Title : Niche of harmful alga Aureococcus anophagefferens revealed through ecogenomics - Gobler_2011_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_108_4352
Author(s) :
Gobler CJ , Berry DL , Dyhrman ST , Wilhelm SW , Salamov A , Lobanov AV , Zhang Y , Collier JL , Wurch LL , Kustka AB , Dill BD , Shah M , VerBerkmoes NC , Kuo A , Terry A , Pangilinan J , Lindquist EA , Lucas S , Paulsen IT , Hattenrath-Lehmann TK , Talmage SC , Walker EA , Koch F , Burson AM , Marcoval MA , Tang YZ , Lecleir GR , Coyne KJ , Berg GM , Bertrand EM , Saito MA , Gladyshev VN , Grigoriev IV
Ref :
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 108 :4352 , 2011
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PubMedSearch : Gobler_2011_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_108_4352
PubMedID : 21368207
Gene_locus related to this paper:
auran-f0xvq5 , auran-f0xwb9 , auran-f0y4x4 , auran-f0y5a8 , auran-f0ycl4 , auran-f0ycp7 , auran-f0ye99 , auran-f0yge8 , auran-f0yci9 , auran-f0yr72 , auran-f0y8q8 , auran-f0y7s1