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Title : Comparative genomics provides insights into the lifestyle and reveals functional heterogeneity of dark septate endophytic fungi - Knapp_2018_Sci.Rep_8_6321
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Title : Comparative genomics and transcriptomics depict ericoid mycorrhizal fungi as versatile saprotrophs and plant mutualists - Martino_2018_New.Phytol_217_1213
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Title : Comparative genomics reveals high biological diversity and specific adaptations in the industrially and medically important fungal genus Aspergillus - de Vries_2017_Genome.Biol_18_28
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Ref : Genome Biol , 18 :28 , 2017
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PubMedSearch : de Vries_2017_Genome.Biol_18_28
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Gene_locus related to this paper: asptu-a0a1l9nhd0 , aspve-a0a1l9pxx8 , aspve-a0a1l9q4m3 , aspwe-a0a1l9s133 , 9euro-a0a1l9t3v9 , aspwe-a0a1l9rcx6 , aspna-g3y5a6 , aspgl-a0a1l9v4d3 , 9euro-a0a1l9sa36 , aspsb-a0a319eji6 , aspve-a0a1l9px96 , 9euro-a0a1l9tay1 , aspgl-a0a1l9vbc0 , aspc5-a0a1r3rh65 , 9euro-a0a2v5i956 , aspwe-a0a1l9rpp6 , aspna-g3xpw9 , aspve-a0a1l9plv1 , 9euro-a0a1l9tk47 , aspve-a0a1l9pde9 , aspve-a0a1l9pz72 , aspwe-a0a1l9rde6 , 9euro-a0a1l9tdb5 , aspkw-g7xq95 , aspbc-a0a1l9u6h4 , aspbc-a0a1l9u2l4 , asptc-a0a1l9mx83 , aspgl-a0a1l9ve90 , aspve-a0a1l9pvz9 , 9euro-a0a1l9tdh3 , aspc5-a0a1r3rmn9 , aspwe-a0a1l9rlq2 , asptc-a0a1l9nby7 , aspng-a0a100i8t9 , aspc5-a0a1r3rem6 , aspbc-a0a1l9uy89 , aspa1-anee , aspa1-aneh , aspa1-acrc , aspbc-alba , aspa1-acui

Title : Characterization of four endophytic fungi as potential consolidated bioprocessing hosts for conversion of lignocellulose into advanced biofuels - Wu_2017_Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol_101_2603
Author(s) : Wu W , Davis RW , Tran-Gyamfi MB , Kuo A , LaButti K , Mihaltcheva S , Hundley H , Chovatia M , Lindquist E , Barry K , Grigoriev IV , Henrissat B , Gladden JM
Ref : Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology , 101 :2603 , 2017
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PubMedSearch : Wu_2017_Appl.Microbiol.Biotechnol_101_2603
PubMedID: 28078400
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Title : Population genomics of picophytoplankton unveils novel chromosome hypervariability - Blanc-Mathieu_2017_Sci.Adv_3_e1700239
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Ref : Sci Adv , 3 :e1700239 , 2017
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PubMedSearch : Blanc-Mathieu_2017_Sci.Adv_3_e1700239
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Gene_locus related to this paper: ostta-q01g03

Title : The genome of Xylona heveae provides a window into fungal endophytism - Gazis_2016_Fungal.Biol_120_26
Author(s) : Gazis R , Kuo A , Riley R , LaButti K , Lipzen A , Lin J , Amirebrahimi M , Hesse CN , Spatafora JW , Henrissat B , Hainaut M , Grigoriev IV , Hibbett DS
Ref : Fungal Biol , 120 :26 , 2016
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PubMedSearch : Gazis_2016_Fungal.Biol_120_26
PubMedID: 26693682
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9pezi-a0a165f9w1 , 9pezi-a0a165fsb2 , 9pezi-a0a165gpf2 , 9pezi-a0a164zp96 , xylht-a0a165aju9 , xylht-a0a165jye6 , xylht-a0a165jir4

Title : Genome of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus provides insight into the oldest plant symbiosis - Tisserant_2013_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_110_20117
Author(s) : Tisserant E , Malbreil M , Kuo A , Kohler A , Symeonidi A , Balestrini R , Charron P , Duensing N , Frei dit Frey N , Gianinazzi-Pearson V , Gilbert LB , Handa Y , Herr JR , Hijri M , Koul R , Kawaguchi M , Krajinski F , Lammers PJ , Masclaux FG , Murat C , Morin E , Ndikumana S , Pagni M , Petitpierre D , Requena N , Rosikiewicz P , Riley R , Saito K , San Clemente H , Shapiro H , van Tuinen D , Becard G , Bonfante P , Paszkowski U , Shachar-Hill YY , Tuskan GA , Young JP , Sanders IR , Henrissat B , Rensing SA , Grigoriev IV , Corradi N , Roux C , Martin F
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 110 :20117 , 2013
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PubMedSearch : Tisserant_2013_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_110_20117
PubMedID: 24277808
Gene_locus related to this paper: rhiid-u9u175 , rhiid-u9trg1 , rhiid-u9uh96 , rhiid-u9ttu4

Title : Pan genome of the phytoplankton Emiliania underpins its global distribution - Read_2013_Nature_499_209
Author(s) : Read BA , Kegel J , Klute MJ , Kuo A , Lefebvre SC , Maumus F , Mayer C , Miller J , Monier A , Salamov A , Young J , Aguilar M , Claverie JM , Frickenhaus S , Gonzalez K , Herman EK , Lin YC , Napier J , Ogata H , Sarno AF , Shmutz J , Schroeder D , de Vargas C , Verret F , von Dassow P , Valentin K , Van de Peer Y , Wheeler G , Dacks JB , Delwiche CF , Dyhrman ST , Glockner G , John U , Richards T , Worden AZ , Zhang X , Grigoriev IV
Ref : Nature , 499 :209 , 2013
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PubMedSearch : Read_2013_Nature_499_209
PubMedID: 23760476

Title : The Paleozoic origin of enzymatic lignin decomposition reconstructed from 31 fungal genomes - Floudas_2012_Science_336_1715
Author(s) : Floudas D , Binder M , Riley R , Barry K , Blanchette RA , Henrissat B , Martinez AT , Otillar R , Spatafora JW , Yadav JS , Aerts A , Benoit I , Boyd A , Carlson A , Copeland A , Coutinho PM , de Vries RP , Ferreira P , Findley K , Foster B , Gaskell J , Glotzer D , Gorecki P , Heitman J , Hesse C , Hori C , Igarashi K , Jurgens JA , Kallen N , Kersten P , Kohler A , Kues U , Kumar TK , Kuo A , LaButti K , Larrondo LF , Lindquist E , Ling A , Lombard V , Lucas S , Lundell T , Martin R , McLaughlin DJ , Morgenstern I , Morin E , Murat C , Nagy LG , Nolan M , Ohm RA , Patyshakuliyeva A , Rokas A , Ruiz-Duenas FJ , Sabat G , Salamov A , Samejima M , Schmutz J , Slot JC , St John F , Stenlid J , Sun H , Sun S , Syed K , Tsang A , Wiebenga A , Young D , Pisabarro A , Eastwood DC , Martin F , Cullen D , Grigoriev IV , Hibbett DS
Ref : Science , 336 :1715 , 2012
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PubMedSearch : Floudas_2012_Science_336_1715
PubMedID: 22745431
Gene_locus related to this paper: aurde-j0d098 , aurde-j0dc31 , glota-s7rlc1 , fompi-s8f7s4 , dacsp-m5fpg2 , dicsq-r7sm16 , dacsp-m5g7q5 , dacsp-m5fr12 , glota-s7q5w3 , fompi-s8f826.1 , fompi-s8f826.2 , dicsq-r7sy09 , glota-s7rt87 , dicsq-r7t032 , glota-s7rym7 , fompi-s8fiv2 , dacsp-m5gda3.2 , dicsq-r7swi6 , dacsp-m5frf2 , fompi-s8ebb6 , dicsq-r7sln3 , dicsq-r7sya6 , dacsp-m5g7g1 , dicsq-r7syx7 , dicsq-r7sx57 , dacsp-m5fps7 , glota-s7pwi7 , dicsq-r7swj6 , fompi-s8ejq6 , dicsq-r7spc3 , glota-s7q258 , dacsp-m5ft65 , glota-s7q3m7 , fompi-s8dkc7 , glota-s7q1z1 , fompi-s8eqi2 , glota-s7q1z8 , fompi-s8du50 , dacsp-m5gg33 , dacsp-m5g3a7 , fompi-s8ecd7 , fompi-s8dps1 , dacsp-m5fwr0 , dicsq-r7sub7 , glota-s7q8k9 , fompi-s8ffc3 , dacsp-m5g2f9 , fompi-s8ecc2 , dacsp-m5g868 , fompi-s8f890 , dicsq-r7t1a8 , fompi-s8ebx4 , fompi-s8eb97 , glota-s7q222 , glota-s7puf0 , fompi-s8f6v9 , dacsp-m5g0z2 , dacsp-m5gdh9 , fompi-s8fb37 , dacsp-m5fy91 , glota-s7q5v6 , fompi-s8fl44 , dicsq-r7stv9 , dicsq-r7szk3 , fompi-s8epq9 , glota-s7rh56 , dacsp-m5gbt1 , punst-r7s3x9 , punst-r7s0t5 , glota-s7q312 , glota-s7rhh6 , dicsq-r7t117 , dicsq-r7slz3

Title : The genome of the polar eukaryotic microalga Coccomyxa subellipsoidea reveals traits of cold adaptation - Blanc_2012_Genome.Biol_13_R39
Author(s) : Blanc G , Agarkova I , Grimwood J , Kuo A , Brueggeman A , Dunigan DD , Gurnon J , Ladunga I , Lindquist E , Lucas S , Pangilinan J , Proschold T , Salamov A , Schmutz J , Weeks D , Yamada T , Lomsadze A , Borodovsky M , Claverie JM , Grigoriev IV , Van Etten JL
Ref : Genome Biol , 13 :R39 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Blanc_2012_Genome.Biol_13_R39
PubMedID: 22630137
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9chlo-i0z4k0 , 9chlo-i0ylt0 , cocsc-i0ytb9 , cocsc-i0yin5

Title : Algal genomes reveal evolutionary mosaicism and the fate of nucleomorphs - Curtis_2012_Nature_492_59
Author(s) : Curtis BA , Tanifuji G , Burki F , Gruber A , Irimia M , Maruyama S , Arias MC , Ball SG , Gile GH , Hirakawa Y , Hopkins JF , Kuo A , Rensing SA , Schmutz J , Symeonidi A , Elias M , Eveleigh RJ , Herman EK , Klute MJ , Nakayama T , Obornik M , Reyes-Prieto A , Armbrust EV , Aves SJ , Beiko RG , Coutinho P , Dacks JB , Durnford DG , Fast NM , Green BR , Grisdale CJ , Hempel F , Henrissat B , Hoppner MP , Ishida K , Kim E , Koreny L , Kroth PG , Liu Y , Malik SB , Maier UG , McRose D , Mock T , Neilson JA , Onodera NT , Poole AM , Pritham EJ , Richards TA , Rocap G , Roy SW , Sarai C , Schaack S , Shirato S , Slamovits CH , Spencer DF , Suzuki S , Worden AZ , Zauner S , Barry K , Bell C , Bharti AK , Crow JA , Grimwood J , Kramer R , Lindquist E , Lucas S , Salamov A , McFadden GI , Lane CE , Keeling PJ , Gray MW , Grigoriev IV , Archibald JM
Ref : Nature , 492 :59 , 2012
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Curtis_2012_Nature_492_59
PubMedID: 23201678
Gene_locus related to this paper: guith-l1i9i5 , guith-l1k167 , guitc-l1jmn9

Title : Comparative genomics of xylose-fermenting fungi for enhanced biofuel production - Wohlbach_2011_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_108_13212
Author(s) : Wohlbach DJ , Kuo A , Sato TK , Potts KM , Salamov AA , LaButti KM , Sun H , Clum A , Pangilinan JL , Lindquist EA , Lucas S , Lapidus A , Jin M , Gunawan C , Balan V , Dale BE , Jeffries TW , Zinkel R , Barry KW , Grigoriev IV , Gasch AP
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 108 :13212 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Wohlbach_2011_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_108_13212
PubMedID: 21788494
Gene_locus related to this paper: cantc-g3b3r0 , spapn-g3ap60 , spapn-g3aif9 , cantc-g3axw7

Title : Niche of harmful alga Aureococcus anophagefferens revealed through ecogenomics - Gobler_2011_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_108_4352
Author(s) : Gobler CJ , Berry DL , Dyhrman ST , Wilhelm SW , Salamov A , Lobanov AV , Zhang Y , Collier JL , Wurch LL , Kustka AB , Dill BD , Shah M , VerBerkmoes NC , Kuo A , Terry A , Pangilinan J , Lindquist EA , Lucas S , Paulsen IT , Hattenrath-Lehmann TK , Talmage SC , Walker EA , Koch F , Burson AM , Marcoval MA , Tang YZ , Lecleir GR , Coyne KJ , Berg GM , Bertrand EM , Saito MA , Gladyshev VN , Grigoriev IV
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 108 :4352 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gobler_2011_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_108_4352
PubMedID: 21368207
Gene_locus related to this paper: auran-f0xvq5 , auran-f0xwb9 , auran-f0y4x4 , auran-f0y5a8 , auran-f0ycl4 , auran-f0ycp7 , auran-f0ye99 , auran-f0yge8 , auran-f0yci9 , auran-f0yr72 , auran-f0y8q8 , auran-f0y7s1

Title : Comparative genomics of the social amoebae Dictyostelium discoideum and Dictyostelium purpureum - Sucgang_2011_Genome.Biol_12_R20.1
Author(s) : Sucgang R , Kuo A , Tian X , Salerno W , Parikh A , Feasley CL , Dalin E , Tu H , Huang E , Barry K , Lindquist E , Shapiro H , Bruce D , Schmutz J , Salamov A , Fey P , Gaudet P , Anjard C , Babu MM , Basu S , Bushmanova Y , van der Wel H , Katoh-Kurasawa M , Dinh C , Coutinho PM , Saito T , Elias M , Schaap P , Kay RR , Henrissat B , Eichinger L , Rivero F , Putnam NH , West CM , Loomis WF , Chisholm RL , Shaulsky G , Strassmann JE , Queller DC , Kuspa A , Grigoriev IV
Ref : Genome Biol , 12 :R20 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Sucgang_2011_Genome.Biol_12_R20.1
PubMedID: 21356102
Gene_locus related to this paper: dicpu-f0z7q0 , dicpu-f0z822 , dicpu-f0zfi0 , dicpu-f0zjs1 , dicpu-f0zks4 , dicpu-f0zmm3 , dicpu-f0zmm8 , dicpu-f0zmm9 , dicpu-f0zni7 , dicpu-f0znl3 , dicpu-f0zq90 , dicpu-f0zvn5 , dicpu-f0zxa4 , dicpu-f0zyf9 , dicpu-f1a3n5 , dicpu-f1a5b4 , dicpu-f1a269 , dicpu-f1a615 , dicpu-f0ztw9 , dicpu-f0zri3 , dicpu-f0zys7

Title : The Chlorella variabilis NC64A genome reveals adaptation to photosymbiosis, coevolution with viruses, and cryptic sex - Blanc_2010_Plant.Cell_22_2943
Author(s) : Blanc G , Duncan G , Agarkova I , Borodovsky M , Gurnon J , Kuo A , Lindquist E , Lucas S , Pangilinan J , Polle J , Salamov A , Terry A , Yamada T , Dunigan DD , Grigoriev IV , Claverie JM , Van Etten JL
Ref : Plant Cell , 22 :2943 , 2010
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PubMedSearch : Blanc_2010_Plant.Cell_22_2943
PubMedID: 20852019
Gene_locus related to this paper: chlva-e1z3j3 , chlva-e1z3n9 , chlva-e1z620 , chlva-e1z882 , chlva-e1zd56 , chlva-e1zdd9 , chlva-e1zde0 , chlva-e1ze02 , chlva-e1zeh7 , chlva-e1zhu4 , chlva-e1zie3 , chlva-e1zii9 , chlva-e1zmj6 , chlva-e1ztt0 , chlva-e1z5k1 , chlva-e1ztf4

Title : The genome of Naegleria gruberi illuminates early eukaryotic versatility - Fritz-Laylin_2010_Cell_140_631
Author(s) : Fritz-Laylin LK , Prochnik SE , Ginger ML , Dacks JB , Carpenter ML , Field MC , Kuo A , Paredez A , Chapman J , Pham J , Shu S , Neupane R , Cipriano M , Mancuso J , Tu H , Salamov A , Lindquist E , Shapiro H , Lucas S , Grigoriev IV , Cande WZ , Fulton C , Rokhsar DS , Dawson SC
Ref : Cell , 140 :631 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Fritz-Laylin_2010_Cell_140_631
PubMedID: 20211133
Gene_locus related to this paper: naegr-d2ux86 , naegr-d2uyl7 , naegr-d2uyn1 , naegr-d2uzk6 , naegr-d2uzp4 , naegr-d2v1m1 , naegr-d2v3p5 , naegr-d2v5p1 , naegr-d2v6f6 , naegr-d2v6y9 , naegr-d2v8x8 , naegr-d2v186 , naegr-d2v339 , naegr-d2v556 , naegr-d2vbq7 , naegr-d2vdq6 , naegr-d2ve51 , naegr-d2vga2 , naegr-d2vgm9 , naegr-d2vh14 , naegr-d2vha2 , naegr-d2vj80 , naegr-d2vjj7 , naegr-d2vl41 , naegr-d2vmj5 , naegr-d2vms7 , naegr-d2vqi5 , naegr-d2vr44 , naegr-d2vrq2 , naegr-d2vs01 , naegr-d2vs58 , naegr-d2vts5 , naegr-d2vu69 , naegr-d2vvg8 , naegr-d2vxp2 , naegr-d2vyl1 , naegr-d2vzy5 , naegr-d2w0l5 , naegr-d2w0v9 , naegr-d2w3g8 , naegr-d2w3v7 , naegr-d2w3v8 , naegr-d2vct1

Title : Genomic analysis of organismal complexity in the multicellular green alga Volvox carteri - Prochnik_2010_Science_329_223
Author(s) : Prochnik SE , Umen J , Nedelcu AM , Hallmann A , Miller SM , Nishii I , Ferris P , Kuo A , Mitros T , Fritz-Laylin LK , Hellsten U , Chapman J , Simakov O , Rensing SA , Terry A , Pangilinan J , Kapitonov V , Jurka J , Salamov A , Shapiro H , Schmutz J , Grimwood J , Lindquist E , Lucas S , Grigoriev IV , Schmitt R , Kirk D , Rokhsar DS
Ref : Science , 329 :223 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Prochnik_2010_Science_329_223
PubMedID: 20616280
Gene_locus related to this paper: volca-d8tmz1 , volca-d8tne9 , volca-d8tnn6 , volca-d8tns6 , volca-d8tr92 , volca-d8u2d3 , volca-d8u5r0 , volca-d8u7s7 , volca-d8u7s8 , volca-d8u9w4 , volca-d8u460 , volca-d8uab7 , volca-d8uai0 , volca-d8uev0 , volca-d8uhi9 , volca-d8uiw9 , volca-d8ujv0 , volca-d8uf23 , volca-d8tmz9 , volca-d8u6e0

Title : The genome of Nectria haematococca: contribution of supernumerary chromosomes to gene expansion - Coleman_2009_PLoS.Genet_5_e1000618
Author(s) : Coleman JJ , Rounsley SD , Rodriguez-Carres M , Kuo A , Wasmann CC , Grimwood J , Schmutz J , Taga M , White GJ , Zhou S , Schwartz DC , Freitag M , Ma LJ , Danchin EG , Henrissat B , Coutinho PM , Nelson DR , Straney D , Napoli CA , Barker BM , Gribskov M , Rep M , Kroken S , Molnar I , Rensing C , Kennell JC , Zamora J , Farman ML , Selker EU , Salamov A , Shapiro H , Pangilinan J , Lindquist E , Lamers C , Grigoriev IV , Geiser DM , Covert SF , Temporini E , Vanetten HD
Ref : PLoS Genet , 5 :e1000618 , 2009
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Coleman_2009_PLoS.Genet_5_e1000618
PubMedID: 19714214
Gene_locus related to this paper: fusso-cutas , nech7-c7yh18 , nech7-c7yir8 , nech7-c7yiz6 , nech7-c7yjl4 , nech7-c7yjp7 , nech7-c7yjq0 , nech7-c7ymg9 , nech7-c7ymv6 , nech7-c7yna5 , nech7-c7ynt6 , nech7-c7yq59 , nech7-c7yq86 , nech7-c7yqb0 , nech7-c7yqx3 , nech7-c7ysz7 , nech7-c7ysz8 , nech7-c7ytb2 , nech7-c7yum7 , nech7-c7yvb1 , nech7-c7yvb8 , nech7-c7yvf1 , nech7-c7yvq8 , nech7-c7yw21 , nech7-c7yx47 , nech7-c7yx92 , nech7-c7yxe7 , nech7-c7yxq5 , nech7-c7yxz4 , nech7-c7yy47 , nech7-c7yyj7 , nech7-c7yym7 , nech7-c7z0d7 , nech7-c7z0s1 , nech7-c7z1g9 , nech7-c7z1k9 , nech7-c7z2k4 , nech7-c7z2m9 , nech7-c7z2z2 , nech7-c7z3z3 , nech7-c7z4a4 , nech7-c7z5n1 , nech7-c7z5y2 , nech7-c7z6g5 , nech7-c7z7d0 , nech7-c7z7w8 , nech7-c7z8q7 , nech7-c7z9e7 , nech7-c7z073 , nech7-c7z354 , nech7-c7z389 , nech7-c7z688 , nech7-c7z855 , nech7-c7z987 , nech7-c7za94 , nech7-c7zah0 , nech7-c7zb79 , nech7-c7zbr8 , nech7-c7zcd1 , nech7-c7zdx8 , nech7-c7ze42 , nech7-c7ze84 , nech7-c7zed8 , nech7-c7zeh0 , nech7-c7zes2 , nech7-c7zgw2 , nech7-c7zha0 , nech7-c7zhy2 , nech7-c7zi55 , nech7-c7zig4 , nech7-c7zjg0 , nech7-c7zjv2 , nech7-c7zk96 , nech7-c7zkb5 , nech7-c7zkh4 , nech7-c7zla9 , nech7-c7zld2 , nech7-c7zlz1 , nech7-c7zm00 , nech7-c7zmn4 , nech7-c7zmu6 , nech7-c7zp06 , nech7-c7zp78 , nech7-c7zq58 , nech7-c7zq86 , nech7-c7zqb5 , nech7-c7zqk4 , nech7-c7zqp9 , nech7-c7zr59 , nech7-c7zrh2 , nech7-c7zrh3 , nech7-dapb , nech7-kex1 , nech7-c7zgl9 , nech7-c7z935 , nech7-c7znc0 , nech7-c7yiq8 , nech7-c7yiq7 , nech7-c7zhu0 , nech7-c7yw61 , nech7-c7yqd3 , nech7-c7zkb6 , nech7-c7z3b4 , nech7-c7ytr4 , nech7-c7zgf7 , 9hypo-a0a3m2s2j6 , nech7-c7yq54 , fusv7-cbpya

Title : The Trichoplax genome and the nature of placozoans - Srivastava_2008_Nature_454_955
Author(s) : Srivastava M , Begovic E , Chapman J , Putnam NH , Hellsten U , Kawashima T , Kuo A , Mitros T , Salamov A , Carpenter ML , Signorovitch AY , Moreno MA , Kamm K , Grimwood J , Schmutz J , Shapiro H , Grigoriev IV , Buss LW , Schierwater B , Dellaporta SL , Rokhsar DS
Ref : Nature , 454 :955 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Srivastava_2008_Nature_454_955
PubMedID: 18719581
Gene_locus related to this paper: triad-b3rka6 , triad-b3rkc3 , triad-b3rkc4 , triad-b3rkc5 , triad-b3rkr2 , triad-b3rks9 , triad-b3rkt0 , triad-b3rl14 , triad-b3rls2 , triad-b3rnj7 , triad-b3rnw5 , triad-b3rrr2 , triad-b3rsh1 , triad-b3rsh3 , triad-b3rty7 , triad-b3ru11 , triad-b3rur2 , triad-b3rut0 , triad-b3rvc1 , triad-b3rw12 , triad-b3rwp0 , triad-b3rwr4 , triad-b3rxn2 , triad-b3ry59 , triad-b3s1y9 , triad-b3s3d8 , triad-b3s3e9 , triad-b3s8a0 , triad-b3s9x4 , triad-b3s445 , triad-b3s449 , triad-b3s478 , triad-b3s705 , triad-b3s706 , triad-b3s898 , triad-b3s899 , triad-b3s949 , triad-b3s950 , triad-b3sa20 , triad-b3sa22 , triad-b3sa23 , triad-b3sa24 , triad-b3sa25 , triad-b3sa26 , triad-b3sa27 , triad-b3sa28 , triad-b3sa29 , triad-b3sa31 , triad-b3sa33 , triad-b3sa34 , triad-b3sa36 , triad-b3sb39 , triad-b3scd3 , triad-b3scg3 , triad-b3scg4 , triad-b3scr3 , triad-b3seb0 , triad-b3seb1 , triad-b3seu9 , triad-b3sf12 , triad-b3rt61 , triad-b3rt62 , triad-b3rj15 , triad-b3sdi1 , triad-b3s4l2

Title : The genome of the choanoflagellate Monosiga brevicollis and the origin of metazoans - King_2008_Nature_451_783
Author(s) : King N , Westbrook MJ , Young SL , Kuo A , Abedin M , Chapman J , Fairclough S , Hellsten U , Isogai Y , Letunic I , Marr M , Pincus D , Putnam N , Rokas A , Wright KJ , Zuzow R , Dirks W , Good M , Goodstein D , Lemons D , Li W , Lyons JB , Morris A , Nichols S , Richter DJ , Salamov A , Sequencing JG , Bork P , Lim WA , Manning G , Miller WT , McGinnis W , Shapiro H , Tjian R , Grigoriev IV , Rokhsar D
Ref : Nature , 451 :783 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : King_2008_Nature_451_783
PubMedID: 18273011
Gene_locus related to this paper: monbe-a9up87 , monbe-a9uq69 , monbe-a9uq70 , monbe-a9uqa7 , monbe-a9urz6 , monbe-a9usu1 , monbe-a9usy8 , monbe-a9uta2 , monbe-a9uu09 , monbe-a9uxl2 , monbe-a9uy23 , monbe-a9uy95 , monbe-a9uym3 , monbe-a9uyw1 , monbe-a9uzc1 , monbe-a9v0e1 , monbe-a9v2b0 , monbe-a9v3a5 , monbe-a9v3t2 , monbe-a9v4h5 , monbe-a9v6i1 , monbe-a9v7b2 , monbe-a9v7c1 , monbe-a9v8k9 , monbe-a9v8u8 , monbe-a9v9i9 , monbe-a9v9k6 , monbe-a9v028 , monbe-a9v108 , monbe-a9v315 , monbe-a9v345 , monbe-a9v368 , monbe-a9v719 , monbe-a9v871 , monbe-a9vac5 , monbe-a9vah5 , monbe-a9van7 , monbe-a9vbp2 , monbe-a9vcn6 , monbe-a9vd99 , monbe-a9vdj5 , monbe-a9vag0

Title : The Phaeodactylum genome reveals the evolutionary history of diatom genomes - Bowler_2008_Nature_456_239
Author(s) : Bowler C , Allen AE , Badger JH , Grimwood J , Jabbari K , Kuo A , Maheswari U , Martens C , Maumus F , Otillar RP , Rayko E , Salamov A , Vandepoele K , Beszteri B , Gruber A , Heijde M , Katinka M , Mock T , Valentin K , Verret F , Berges JA , Brownlee C , Cadoret JP , Chiovitti A , Choi CJ , Coesel S , De Martino A , Detter JC , Durkin C , Falciatore A , Fournet J , Haruta M , Huysman MJ , Jenkins BD , Jiroutova K , Jorgensen RE , Joubert Y , Kaplan A , Kroger N , Kroth PG , La Roche J , Lindquist E , Lommer M , Martin-Jezequel V , Lopez PJ , Lucas S , Mangogna M , McGinnis K , Medlin LK , Montsant A , Oudot-Le Secq MP , Napoli C , Obornik M , Parker MS , Petit JL , Porcel BM , Poulsen N , Robison M , Rychlewski L , Rynearson TA , Schmutz J , Shapiro H , Siaut M , Stanley M , Sussman MR , Taylor AR , Vardi A , von Dassow P , Vyverman W , Willis A , Wyrwicz LS , Rokhsar DS , Weissenbach J , Armbrust EV , Green BR , Van de Peer Y , Grigoriev IV
Ref : Nature , 456 :239 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bowler_2008_Nature_456_239
PubMedID: 18923393
Gene_locus related to this paper: phatc-b7fp91 , phatc-b7fqd3 , phatc-b7frf9 , phatc-b7fry8 , phatc-b7ftw8 , phatc-b7fv70 , phatc-b7fw66 , phatc-b7g2b2 , phatc-b7g5z5 , phatc-b7g6f1 , phatc-b7g6r8 , phatc-b7g957 , phatc-b7ga73 , phatc-b7gb22 , phatc-b7gc60 , phatc-b7gdm3 , phatc-b7gdq6 , phatc-b7ge82 , phatc-b7gee0 , phatr-b7frs5 , phatr-b7g1k3 , phatr-b7s4a4 , thaps-b8bsy4 , thaps-b8cfn8 , phatc-b7g635 , phatc-b7gaj3 , thaps-b8c079