Title : The psychrophilic lifestyle as revealed by the genome sequence of Colwellia psychrerythraea 34H through genomic and proteomic analyses - Methe_2005_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_102_10913
Author(s) :
Methe BA , Nelson KE , Deming JW , Momen B , Melamud E , Zhang X , Moult J , Madupu R , Nelson WC , Dodson RJ , Brinkac LM , Daugherty SC , Durkin AS , DeBoy RT , Kolonay JF , Sullivan SA , Zhou L , Davidsen TM , Wu M , Huston AL , Lewis M , Weaver B , Weidman JF , Khouri H , Utterback TR , Feldblyum TV , Fraser CM
Ref :
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 102 :10913 , 2005
Abstract :
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PubMedSearch : Methe_2005_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_102_10913
PubMedID : 16043709
Gene_locus related to this paper:
colp3-q47uc4 , colp3-q47uc7 , colp3-q47ut6 , colp3-q47ut7 , colp3-q47v81 , colp3-q47vk3 , colp3-q47vy9 , colp3-q47w94 , colp3-q47wj4 , colp3-q47wr2 , colp3-q47ws7 , colp3-q47ws9 , colp3-q47x08 , colp3-q47x48 , colp3-q47yd5 , colp3-q47ye2 , colp3-q47yq1 , colp3-q47yv1 , colp3-q47za7 , colp3-q47zp5 , colp3-q48ac9 , colp3-q48aj8 , colp3-q48aq9 , colp3-q480e1 , colp3-q481z4 , colp3-q482y8 , colp3-q484d8 , colp3-q484k3 , colp3-q485e4 , colp3-q485t4 , colp3-q486t5 , colp3-q487b7 , colp3-q487s5 , colp3-q488a3 , colp3-q488d2 , colp3-q488d8 , colp3-q488e7 , colp3-q488f8 , colp3-q488p2 , colp3-q489b1 , colp3-q489i6 , colp3-q47ya3