Full name : Kummer Wolfgang
First name : Wolfgang
Mail : Institut Anatomie & Zellbiologie, Aulweg 123, 35385 Giessen
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Country : Germany
Email : Wolfgang.Kummer@anatomie.med.uni-giessen.de
Phone : 49 64 19947000
Fax : 49 64 19947009
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Directory :
Title : ENaC in Cholinergic Brush Cells - Kandel_2018_Front.Cell.Dev.Biol_6_89 |
Author(s) : Kandel C , Schmidt P , Perniss A , Keshavarz M , Scholz P , Osterloh S , Althaus M , Kummer W , Deckmann K |
Ref : Front Cell Developmental Biology , 6 :89 , 2018 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Kandel_2018_Front.Cell.Dev.Biol_6_89 |
PubMedID: 30159312 |
Title : Bordetella pseudohinzii targets cilia and impairs tracheal cilia-driven transport in naturally acquired infection in mice - Perniss_2018_Sci.Rep_8_5681 |
Author(s) : Perniss A , Schmidt N , Gurtner C , Dietert K , Schwengers O , Weigel M , Hempe J , Ewers C , Pfeil U , Gartner U , Gruber AD , Hain T , Kummer W |
Ref : Sci Rep , 8 :5681 , 2018 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Perniss_2018_Sci.Rep_8_5681 |
PubMedID: 29632402 |
Title : Cholinergic urethral brush cells are widespread throughout placental mammals - Deckmann_2015_Int.Immunopharmacol_29(1)_51 |
Author(s) : Deckmann K , Krasteva-Christ G , Rafiq A , Herden C , Wichmann J , Knauf S , Nassenstein C , Grevelding CG , Dorresteijn A , Chubanov V , Gudermann T , Bschleipfer T , Kummer W |
Ref : Int Immunopharmacol , 29 :51 , 2015 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Deckmann_2015_Int.Immunopharmacol_29(1)_51 |
PubMedID: 26044348 |
Title : Luminal acetylcholine does not affect the activity of the CFTR in tracheal epithelia of pigs - Dittrich_2015_Int.Immunopharmacol_29(1)_166 |
Author(s) : Dittrich NP , Kummer W , Clauss WG , Fronius M |
Ref : Int Immunopharmacol , 29 :166 , 2015 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Dittrich_2015_Int.Immunopharmacol_29(1)_166 |
PubMedID: 26286842 |
Title : Recent progress in revealing the biological and medical significance of the non-neuronal cholinergic system - Grando_2015_Int.Immunopharmacol_29(1)_1 |
Author(s) : Grando SA , Kawashima K , Kirkpatrick CJ , Kummer W , Wessler I |
Ref : Int Immunopharmacol , 29 :1 , 2015 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Grando_2015_Int.Immunopharmacol_29(1)_1 |
PubMedID: 26362206 |
Title : Identification of cholinergic chemosensory cells in mouse tracheal and laryngeal glandular ducts - Krasteva-Christ_2015_Int.Immunopharmacol_29(1)_158 |
Author(s) : Krasteva-Christ G , Soultanova A , Schutz B , Papadakis T , Weiss C , Deckmann K , Chubanov V , Gudermann T , Voigt A , Meyerhof W , Boehm U , Weihe E , Kummer W |
Ref : Int Immunopharmacol , 29 :158 , 2015 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Krasteva-Christ_2015_Int.Immunopharmacol_29(1)_158 |
PubMedID: 26033492 |
Title : Cholinergic activation of the murine trachealis muscle via non-vesicular acetylcholine release involving low-affinity choline transporters - Nassenstein_2015_Int.Immunopharmacol_29(1)_173 |
Author(s) : Nassenstein C , Wiegand S , Lips KS , Li G , Klein J , Kummer W |
Ref : Int Immunopharmacol , 29 :173 , 2015 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Nassenstein_2015_Int.Immunopharmacol_29(1)_173 |
PubMedID: 26278668 |
Title : Cholinergic chemosensory cells of the thymic medulla express the bitter receptor Tas2r131 - Soultanova_2015_Int.Immunopharmacol_29(1)_143 |
Author(s) : Soultanova A , Voigt A , Chubanov V , Gudermann T , Meyerhof W , Boehm U , Kummer W |
Ref : Int Immunopharmacol , 29 :143 , 2015 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Soultanova_2015_Int.Immunopharmacol_29(1)_143 |
PubMedID: 26102274 |
Title : A novel cholinergic epithelial cell with chemosensory traits in the murine conjunctiva - Wiederhold_2015_Int.Immunopharmacol_29(1)_45 |
Author(s) : Wiederhold S , Papadakis T , Chubanov V , Gudermann T , Krasteva-Christ G , Kummer W |
Ref : Int Immunopharmacol , 29 :45 , 2015 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Wiederhold_2015_Int.Immunopharmacol_29(1)_45 |
PubMedID: 26119492 |
Title : Bitter triggers acetylcholine release from polymodal urethral chemosensory cells and bladder reflexes - Deckmann_2014_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_111_8287 |
Author(s) : Deckmann K , Filipski K , Krasteva-Christ G , Fronius M , Althaus M , Rafiq A , Papadakis T , Renno L , Jurastow I , Wessels L , Wolff M , Schutz B , Weihe E , Chubanov V , Gudermann T , Klein J , Bschleipfer T , Kummer W |
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 111 :8287 , 2014 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Deckmann_2014_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_111_8287 |
PubMedID: 24843119 |
Title : Optical control of acetylcholinesterase with a tacrine switch - Broichhagen_2014_Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.Engl_53_7657 |
Author(s) : Broichhagen J , Jurastow I , Iwan K , Kummer W , Trauner D |
Ref : Angew Chem Int Ed Engl , 53 :7657 , 2014 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Broichhagen_2014_Angew.Chem.Int.Ed.Engl_53_7657 |
PubMedID: 24895330 |
Title : Cholinergic epithelial cell with chemosensory traits in murine thymic medulla - Panneck_2014_Cell.Tissue.Res_358_737 |
Author(s) : Panneck AR , Rafiq A , Schutz B , Soultanova A , Deckmann K , Chubanov V , Gudermann T , Weihe E , Krasteva-Christ G , Grau V , del Rey A , Kummer W |
Ref : Cell Tissue Research , 358 :737 , 2014 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Panneck_2014_Cell.Tissue.Res_358_737 |
PubMedID: 25300645 |
Title : Expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunit mRNA in mouse bladder afferent neurons - Nandigama_2013_Neurosci_229_27 |
Author(s) : Nandigama R , Ibanez-Tallon I , Lips KS , Schwantes U , Kummer W , Bschleipfer T |
Ref : Neuroscience , 229 :27 , 2013 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Nandigama_2013_Neurosci_229_27 |
PubMedID: 23131712 |
Title : Cholinergic brush cells in the trachea mediate respiratory responses to quorum sensing molecules - Krasteva_2012_Life.Sci_91_992 |
Author(s) : Krasteva G , Canning BJ , Papadakis T , Kummer W |
Ref : Life Sciences , 91 :992 , 2012 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Krasteva_2012_Life.Sci_91_992 |
PubMedID: 22749863 |
Title : Bladder outlet obstruction influences mRNA expression of cholinergic receptors on sensory neurons in mice - Bschleipfer_2012_Life.Sci_91_1077 |
Author(s) : Bschleipfer T , Nandigama R , Moeller S , Illig C , Weidner W , Kummer W |
Ref : Life Sciences , 91 :1077 , 2012 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Bschleipfer_2012_Life.Sci_91_1077 |
PubMedID: 22634327 |
Title : Does bladder outlet obstruction alter the non-neuronal cholinergic system of the human urothelium? - Bschleipfer_2012_Life.Sci_91_1082 |
Author(s) : Bschleipfer T , Weidner W , Kummer W , Lips KS |
Ref : Life Sciences , 91 :1082 , 2012 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Bschleipfer_2012_Life.Sci_91_1082 |
PubMedID: 22521288 |
Title : Cholinergic chemosensory cells in the auditory tube - Krasteva_2012_Histochem.Cell.Biol_137_483 |
Author(s) : Krasteva G , Hartmann P , Papadakis T , Bodenbenner M , Wessels L , Weihe E , Schutz B , Langheinrich AC , Chubanov V , Gudermann T , Ibanez-Tallon I , Kummer W |
Ref : Histochemistry & Cell Biology , 137 :483 , 2012 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Krasteva_2012_Histochem.Cell.Biol_137_483 |
PubMedID: 22261922 |
Title : Cholinergic receptors in the murine oviduct: inventory and coupling to intracellular calcium concentration - Wolff_2012_Life.Sci_91_1003 |
Author(s) : Wolff M , Noreikat K , Ibanez-Tallon I , Lips KS , Kolle S , Kummer W |
Ref : Life Sciences , 91 :1003 , 2012 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Wolff_2012_Life.Sci_91_1003 |
PubMedID: 22480510 |
Title : Nicotine-induced activation of soluble adenylyl cyclase participates in ion transport regulation in mouse tracheal epithelium - Hollenhorst_2012_Life.Sci_91_1009 |
Author(s) : Hollenhorst MI , Lips KS , Kummer W , Fronius M |
Ref : Life Sciences , 91 :1009 , 2012 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Hollenhorst_2012_Life.Sci_91_1009 |
PubMedID: 22771693 |
Title : Acetylcholine and chronic vasculopathy in rat renal allografts - Wilczynska_2011_Transplantation_91_263 |
Author(s) : Wilczynska J , Pfeil U , Zakrzewicz A , Dietrich H , Korner C , Hecker A , Wessler I , Padberg W , Kummer W , Grau V |
Ref : Transplantation , 91 :263 , 2011 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Wilczynska_2011_Transplantation_91_263 |
PubMedID: 21233792 |
Title : Cholinergic chemosensory cells in the trachea regulate breathing - Krasteva_2011_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_108_9478 |
Author(s) : Krasteva G , Canning BJ , Hartmann P , Veres TZ , Papadakis T , Muhlfeld C , Schliecker K , Tallini YN , Braun A , Hackstein H , Baal N , Weihe E , Schutz B , Kotlikoff M , Ibanez-Tallon I , Kummer W |
Ref : Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A , 108 :9478 , 2011 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Krasteva_2011_Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A_108_9478 |
PubMedID: 21606356 |
Title : Pivotal Advance: Up-regulation of acetylcholine synthesis and paracrine cholinergic signaling in intravascular transplant leukocytes during rejection of rat renal allografts - Hecker_2009_J.Leukoc.Biol_86_13 |
Author(s) : Hecker A , Mikulski Z , Lips KS , Pfeil U , Zakrzewicz A , Wilker S , Hartmann P , Padberg W , Wessler I , Kummer W , Grau V |
Ref : J Leukoc Biol , 86 :13 , 2009 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Hecker_2009_J.Leukoc.Biol_86_13 |
PubMedID: 19201987 |
Title : Acetylcholine and molecular components of its synthesis and release machinery in the urothelium - Lips_2007_Eur.Urol_51_1042 |
Author(s) : Lips KS , Wunsch J , Zarghooni S , Bschleipfer T , Schukowski K , Weidner W , Wessler I , Schwantes U , Koepsell H , Kummer W |
Ref : Eur Urol , 51 :1042 , 2007 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Lips_2007_Eur.Urol_51_1042 |
PubMedID: 17084519 |
Title : Down-regulation of the non-neuronal acetylcholine synthesis and release machinery in acute allergic airway inflammation of rat and mouse - Lips_2007_Life.Sci_80_2263 |
Author(s) : Lips KS , Luhrmann A , Tschernig T , Stoeger T , Alessandrini F , Grau V , Haberberger RV , Koepsell H , Pabst R , Kummer W |
Ref : Life Sciences , 80 :2263 , 2007 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Lips_2007_Life.Sci_80_2263 |
PubMedID: 17328924 |
Title : Immunohistochemical detection of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits alpha9 and alpha10 in rat lung isografts and allografts - Biallas_2007_Life.Sci_80_2286 |
Author(s) : Biallas S , Wilker S , Lips KS , Kummer W , Grando SA , Padberg W , Grau V |
Ref : Life Sciences , 80 :2286 , 2007 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Biallas_2007_Life.Sci_80_2286 |
PubMedID: 17331545 |
Title : Administration of keratinocyte growth factor down-regulates the pulmonary capacity of acetylcholine production - Grau_2007_Int.J.Biochem.Cell.Biol_39_1955 |
Author(s) : Grau V , Wilker S , Lips KS , Hartmann P , Rose F , Padberg W , Fehrenbach H , Wessler I , Kummer W |
Ref : International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology , 39 :1955 , 2007 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Grau_2007_Int.J.Biochem.Cell.Biol_39_1955 |
PubMedID: 17606399 |
Title : Expression and distribution of cholinergic receptors in the human urothelium - Bschleipfer_2007_Life.Sci_80_2303 |
Author(s) : Bschleipfer T , Schukowski K , Weidner W , Grando SA , Schwantes U , Kummer W , Lips KS |
Ref : Life Sciences , 80 :2303 , 2007 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Bschleipfer_2007_Life.Sci_80_2303 |
PubMedID: 17335853 |
Title : Expression of muscarinic and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the mouse urothelium - Zarghooni_2007_Life.Sci_80_2308 |
Author(s) : Zarghooni S , Wunsch J , Bodenbenner M , Bruggmann D , Grando SA , Schwantes U , Wess J , Kummer W , Lips KS |
Ref : Life Sciences , 80 :2308 , 2007 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Zarghooni_2007_Life.Sci_80_2308 |
PubMedID: 17337281 |
Title : Administration of keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) modulates the pulmonary expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits alpha7, alpha9 and alpha10 - Grau_2007_Life.Sci_80_2290 |
Author(s) : Grau V , Wilker S , Hartmann P , Lips KS , Grando SA , Padberg W , Fehrenbach H , Kummer W |
Ref : Life Sciences , 80 :2290 , 2007 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Grau_2007_Life.Sci_80_2290 |
PubMedID: 17291541 |
Title : Coexpression and spatial association of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits alpha7 and alpha10 in rat sympathetic neurons - Lips_2006_J.Mol.Neurosci_30_15 |
Author(s) : Lips KS , Konig P , Schatzle K , Pfeil U , Krasteva G , Spies M , Haberberger RV , Grando SA , Kummer W |
Ref : Journal of Molecular Neuroscience , 30 :15 , 2006 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Lips_2006_J.Mol.Neurosci_30_15 |
PubMedID: 17192608 |
Title : Expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on murine alveolar macrophages - Galvis_2006_J.Mol.Neurosci_30_107 |
Author(s) : Galvis G , Lips KS , Kummer W |
Ref : Journal of Molecular Neuroscience , 30 :107 , 2006 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Galvis_2006_J.Mol.Neurosci_30_107 |
PubMedID: 17192650 |
Title : Peripheral choline acetyltransferase is expressed by monocytes and upregulated during renal allograft rejection in rats - Hecker_2006_J.Mol.Neurosci_30_23 |
Author(s) : Hecker A , Lips KS , Pfeil U , Kummer W , Padberg W , Grau V |
Ref : Journal of Molecular Neuroscience , 30 :23 , 2006 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Hecker_2006_J.Mol.Neurosci_30_23 |
PubMedID: 17192612 |
Title : Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors containing subunits alpha3 and alpha5 in rat nociceptive dorsal root ganglion neurons - Spies_2006_J.Mol.Neurosci_30_55 |
Author(s) : Spies M , Lips KS , Kurzen H , Kummer W , Haberberger RV |
Ref : Journal of Molecular Neuroscience , 30 :55 , 2006 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Spies_2006_J.Mol.Neurosci_30_55 |
PubMedID: 17192625 |
Title : Role of acetylcholine and muscarinic receptors in serotonin-induced bronchoconstriction in the mouse - Kummer_2006_J.Mol.Neurosci_30_67 |
Author(s) : Kummer W , Wiegand S , Akinci S , Schinkel AH , Wess J , Koepsell H , Haberberger RV , Lips KS |
Ref : Journal of Molecular Neuroscience , 30 :67 , 2006 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Kummer_2006_J.Mol.Neurosci_30_67 |
PubMedID: 17192631 |
Title : Role of acetylcholine and polyspecific cation transporters in serotonin-induced bronchoconstriction in the mouse - Kummer_2006_Respir.Res_7_65 |
Author(s) : Kummer W , Wiegand S , Akinci S , Wessler I , Schinkel AH , Wess J , Koepsell H , Haberberger RV , Lips KS |
Ref : Respir Res , 7 :65 , 2006 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Kummer_2006_Respir.Res_7_65 |
PubMedID: 16608531 |
Title : Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in rat and human placenta - Lips_2005_Placenta_26_735 |
Author(s) : Lips KS , Bruggmann D , Pfeil U , Vollerthun R , Grando SA , Kummer W |
Ref : Placenta , 26 :735 , 2005 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Lips_2005_Placenta_26_735 |
PubMedID: 16226123 |
Title : Expression of the high-affinity choline transporter CHT1 in epithelia - Pfeil_2003_Life.Sci_72_2087 |
Author(s) : Pfeil U , Haberberger RV , Lips KS , Eberling L , Grau V , Kummer W |
Ref : Life Sciences , 72 :2087 , 2003 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Pfeil_2003_Life.Sci_72_2087 |
PubMedID: 12628461 |
Title : Rat arteries contain multiple nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha-subunits - Bruggmann_2003_Life.Sci_72_2095 |
Author(s) : Bruggmann D , Lips KS , Pfeil U , Haberberger RV , Kummer W |
Ref : Life Sciences , 72 :2095 , 2003 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Bruggmann_2003_Life.Sci_72_2095 |
PubMedID: 12628463 |
Title : Central role of alpha7 nicotinic receptor in differentiation of the stratified squamous epithelium - Arredondo_2002_J.Cell.Biol_159_325 |
Author(s) : Arredondo J , Nguyen VT , Chernyavsky AI , Bercovich D , Orr-Urtreger A , Kummer W , Lips KS , Vetter DE , Grando SA |
Ref : Journal of Cell Biology , 159 :325 , 2002 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Arredondo_2002_J.Cell.Biol_159_325 |
PubMedID: 12391028 |
Title : Muscarinic M2-receptors in rat thoracic dorsal root ganglia - Haberberger_1999_Neurosci.Lett_266_177 |
Author(s) : Haberberger R , Henrich M , Couraud JY , Kummer W |
Ref : Neuroscience Letters , 266 :177 , 1999 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Haberberger_1999_Neurosci.Lett_266_177 |
PubMedID: 10465702 |
Title : Muscarinic receptors (M2, M3) in rat and guinea pig thoracic dorsal root ganglia - |
Author(s) : Haberberger RV , Henrich M , Kummer W |
Ref : Journal de Physiologie (Paris) , 92 :437 , 1998 |
PubMedID: |
Title : Laser-assisted cell-picking and subsequent RT-PCR allows subtype analysis of mRNAs derived from the cholinergic gene locus in rat cardiac neurons - |
Author(s) : Kummer W , Fink L , Dvorakova M , Haberberger RV , Bohle RM |
Ref : Journal de Physiologie (Paris) , 92 :452 , 1998 |
PubMedID: |