Mandakova T

References (2)

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Author(s) : Willing EM , Rawat V , Mandakova T , Maumus F , James GV , Nordstrom KJ , Becker C , Warthmann N , Chica C , Szarzynska B , Zytnicki M , Albani MC , Kiefer C , Bergonzi S , Castaings L , Mateos JL , Berns MC , Bujdoso N , Piofczyk T , de Lorenzo L , Barrero-Sicilia C , Mateos I , Piednol M , Hagmann J , Chen-Min-Tao R , Iglesias-Fernandez R , Schuster SC , Alonso-Blanco C , Roudier F , Carbonero P , Paz-Ares J , Davis SJ , Pecinka A , Quesneville H , Colot V , Lysak MA , Weigel D , Coupland G , Schneeberger K
Ref : Nat Plants , 1 :14023 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Willing_2015_Nat.Plants_1_14023
PubMedID: 27246759
Gene_locus related to this paper: araal-a0a087gz21 , araal-a0a087h4k1

Title : The Capsella rubella genome and the genomic consequences of rapid mating system evolution - Slotte_2013_Nat.Genet_45_831
Author(s) : Slotte T , Hazzouri KM , Agren JA , Koenig D , Maumus F , Guo YL , Steige K , Platts AE , Escobar JS , Newman LK , Wang W , Mandakova T , Vello E , Smith LM , Henz SR , Steffen J , Takuno S , Brandvain Y , Coop G , Andolfatto P , Hu TT , Blanchette M , Clark RM , Quesneville H , Nordborg M , Gaut BS , Lysak MA , Jenkins J , Grimwood J , Chapman J , Prochnik S , Shu S , Rokhsar D , Schmutz J , Weigel D , Wright SI
Ref : Nat Genet , 45 :831 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Slotte_2013_Nat.Genet_45_831
PubMedID: 23749190
Gene_locus related to this paper: arath-CGEP , 9bras-r0h1k6 , 9bras-r0gvg3 , 9bras-r0gv62 , 9bras-r0g5k5 , 9bras-r0f1u1 , 9bras-r0guy4 , 9bras-r0ien7 , 9bras-r0i2r7 , 9bras-r0fbh7 , 9bras-r0fnq1 , 9bras-r0hae6 , 9bras-r0gwt8 , 9bras-r0ewe4 , 9bras-r0gsz7 , 9bras-r0ij26 , 9bras-r0h783 , 9bras-r0i5w1 , 9bras-r0fgs3 , 9bras-r0h1e1 , 9bras-r0fme4 , 9bras-r0ieh8 , 9bras-r0f5l9 , 9bras-r0ffy6 , 9bras-r0g0x1