Title : Olfactory Landmark-Based Communication in Interacting Drosophila - Mercier_2018_Curr.Biol_28_2624 |
Author(s) : Mercier D , Tsuchimoto Y , Ohta K , Kazama H |
Ref : Current Biology , 28 :2624 , 2018 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Mercier_2018_Curr.Biol_28_2624 |
PubMedID: 30078566 |
Title : Abrogation of neutral cholesterol ester hydrolytic activity causes adrenal enlargement - Ohta_2011_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_404_254 |
Author(s) : Ohta K , Sekiya M , Uozaki H , Igarashi M , Takase S , Kumagai M , Takanashi M , Takeuchi Y , Izumida Y , Kubota M , Nishi M , Okazaki H , Iizuka Y , Yahagi N , Yagyu H , Fukayama M , Kadowaki T , Ohashi K , Ishibashi S , Osuga J |
Ref : Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications , 404 :254 , 2011 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Ohta_2011_Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun_404_254 |
PubMedID: 21111707 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-LIPE , human-NCEH1 |
Title : The critical role of neutral cholesterol ester hydrolase 1 in cholesterol removal from human macrophages - Igarashi_2010_Circ.Res_107_1387 |
Author(s) : Igarashi M , Osuga J , Uozaki H , Sekiya M , Nagashima S , Takahashi M , Takase S , Takanashi M , Li Y , Ohta K , Kumagai M , Nishi M , Hosokawa M , Fledelius C , Jacobsen P , Yagyu H , Fukayama M , Nagai R , Kadowaki T , Ohashi K , Ishibashi S |
Ref : Circulation Research , 107 :1387 , 2010 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Igarashi_2010_Circ.Res_107_1387 |
PubMedID: 20947831 |
Title : Targeting of neutral cholesterol ester hydrolase to the endoplasmic reticulum via its N-terminal sequence - Igarashi_2010_J.Lipid.Res_51_274 |
Author(s) : Igarashi M , Osuga J , Isshiki M , Sekiya M , Okazaki H , Takase S , Takanashi M , Ohta K , Kumagai M , Nishi M , Fujita T , Nagai R , Kadowaki T , Ishibashi S |
Ref : J Lipid Res , 51 :274 , 2010 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Igarashi_2010_J.Lipid.Res_51_274 |
PubMedID: 19592704 |
Title : Inhibition of spicule elongation in sea urchin embryos by the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor eserine - Ohta_2009_Comp.Biochem.Physiol.B.Biochem.Mol.Biol_153_310 |
Author(s) : Ohta K , Takahashi C , Tosuji H |
Ref : Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology B Biochem Mol Biol , 153 :310 , 2009 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Ohta_2009_Comp.Biochem.Physiol.B.Biochem.Mol.Biol_153_310 |
PubMedID: 19383547 |
Title : [Effects of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors on patients with MuSK antibody positive myasthenia gravis] - Konishi_2009_Rinsho.Shinkeigaku_49_660 |
Author(s) : Konishi T , Kousaka M , Yamakawa K , Matsui M , Ohta K |
Ref : Rinsho Shinkeigaku , 49 :660 , 2009 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Konishi_2009_Rinsho.Shinkeigaku_49_660 |
PubMedID: 19999149 |
Title : Ablation of neutral cholesterol ester hydrolase 1 accelerates atherosclerosis - Sekiya_2009_Cell.Metab_10_219 |
Author(s) : Sekiya M , Osuga J , Nagashima S , Ohshiro T , Igarashi M , Okazaki H , Takahashi M , Tazoe F , Wada T , Ohta K , Takanashi M , Kumagai M , Nishi M , Takase S , Yahagi N , Yagyu H , Ohashi K , Nagai R , Kadowaki T , Furukawa Y , Ishibashi S |
Ref : Cell Metab , 10 :219 , 2009 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Sekiya_2009_Cell.Metab_10_219 |
PubMedID: 19723498 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-NCEH1 , mouse-Q8BLF1 |
Title : Identification of neutral cholesterol ester hydrolase, a key enzyme removing cholesterol from macrophages - Okazaki_2008_J.Biol.Chem_283_33357 |
Author(s) : Okazaki H , Igarashi M , Nishi M , Sekiya M , Tajima M , Takase S , Takanashi M , Ohta K , Tamura Y , Okazaki S , Yahagi N , Ohashi K , Amemiya-Kudo M , Nakagawa Y , Nagai R , Kadowaki T , Osuga J , Ishibashi S |
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 283 :33357 , 2008 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Okazaki_2008_J.Biol.Chem_283_33357 |
PubMedID: 18782767 |
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-NCEH1 |
Title : Metabolism of PyracDofos in Housefly, Musca domestica - Lee_2005_J.Asia.Pac.Entomol_8_387 |
Author(s) : Lee SW , Shono T , Tashiro S , Ohta K |
Ref : Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology , 8 :387 , 2005 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Lee_2005_J.Asia.Pac.Entomol_8_387 |
PubMedID: |
Title : Sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol, KM043, a new potent inhibitor of eukaryotic DNA polymerases and HIV-reverse transcriptase type 1 from a marine red alga, Gigartina tenella - Ohta_1998_Chem.Pharm.Bull.(Tokyo)_46_684 |
Author(s) : Ohta K , Mizushina Y , Hirata N , Takemura M , Sugawara F , Matsukage A , Yoshida S , Sakaguchi K |
Ref : Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) , 46 :684 , 1998 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Ohta_1998_Chem.Pharm.Bull.(Tokyo)_46_684 |
PubMedID: 9579044 |