Pachon Angona I

References (1)

Title : Synthesis of Hantzsch Adducts as Cholinesterases and Calcium Flux inhibitors, Antioxidants and Neuroprotectives - Pachon_2020_Int.J.Mol.Sci_21_
Author(s) : Pachon Angona I , Martin H , Daniel S , Moraleda I , Bonet A , Wnorowski A , Maj M , Jozwiak K , Iriepa I , Refouvelet B , Marco-Contelles J , Ismaili L
Ref : Int J Mol Sci , 21 : , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Pachon_2020_Int.J.Mol.Sci_21_
PubMedID: 33081112