Sui T

References (2)

Title : Ultrasensitive Acetylcholinesterase detection based on a surface-enhanced Raman scattering lever strategy for identifying nerve fibers - Li_2022_Talanta_252_123867
Author(s) : Li T , Sui T , Wang B , Xu K , Zhang S , Cao X , Wang Y , Qian W , Dong J
Ref : Talanta , 252 :123867 , 2022
Abstract :
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Title : An acetylcholinesterase antibody-based quartz crystal microbalance for the rapid identification of spinal ventral and dorsal roots - Sui_2013_PLoS.One_8_e69049
Author(s) : Sui T , Ge Y , Liu W , Zhao ZK , Zhang N , Cao X
Ref : PLoS ONE , 8 :e69049 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Sui_2013_PLoS.One_8_e69049
PubMedID: 23935920