Triticum aestivum (Wheat); Triticum urartu (Red wild einkorn). Uncharacterized protein
Other strains: Triticum aestivum (Wheat)\; Triticum urartu (Red wild einkorn)
Family : Chlorophyllase_Plant
Block : L
Position in NCBI Life Tree : Triticum aestivum
(Below N is a link to NCBI taxonomic web page and E link to ESTHER at designed phylum.)
> cellular organisms N E > Eukaryota N E > Viridiplantae N E > Streptophyta N E > Streptophytina N E > Embryophyta N E > Tracheophyta N E > Euphyllophyta N E > Spermatophyta N E > Magnoliophyta N E > Mesangiospermae N E > Liliopsida N E > Petrosaviidae N E > commelinids N E > Poales N E > Poaceae N E > BOP clade N E > Pooideae N E > Triticodae N E > Triticeae N E > Triticinae N E > Triticum N E > Triticum aestivum N EMASAGDVFDH GRHGTSLTKV AQATRCCPTS PVDAQSPPKP LLVAAPCDAG EYPVLLFLHG YLCNNYFYSQ LLQHVASHGF IVVGPQLYTV SGPDTTGEIN SAAAVIDWLA VGLSSKLPPG VRPNLTAVSI SGHSRGGKVA FALALGHAKT TLPLAALIAV DPVDGTGMGD QTPPPILVYK PNALRVPAPV MVIGTGLGEL PRNALFPPCA PLGVSHAEFY DECSAPACHL VARDYGHTDM MDDVTTGAKG LATRALCKSG GARAPMRRFV AGGMVAFLNK WVEGKPEWLD AMRERTDVTP VVLSVVEFRD E