

Title : Fluorinated benzophenone derivatives: Balanced multipotent agents for Alzheimer's disease - Belluti_2014_Eur.J.Med.Chem_78C_157
Author(s) : Belluti F , De Simone A , Tarozzi A , Bartolini M , Djemil A , Bisi A , Gobbi S , Montanari S , Cavalli A , Andrisano V , Bottegoni G , Rampa A
Ref : Eur Journal of Medicinal Chemistry , 78C :157 , 2014
Abstract :

In an effort to develop multipotent agents against beta-secretase (BACE-1) and acetylcholinesterase (AChE), able to counteract intracellular ROS formation as well, the structure of the fluorinated benzophenone 3 served as starting point for the synthesis of a small library of 3-fluoro-4-hydroxy- analogues. Among the series, derivatives 5 and 12, carrying chemically different amino functions, showed a balanced micromolar potency against the selected targets. In particular, compound 12, completely devoid of toxic effects, seems to be a promising lead for obtaining effective anti-AD drug candidates.

PubMedSearch : Belluti_2014_Eur.J.Med.Chem_78C_157
PubMedID: 24681980

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Belluti F, De Simone A, Tarozzi A, Bartolini M, Djemil A, Bisi A, Gobbi S, Montanari S, Cavalli A, Andrisano V, Bottegoni G, Rampa A (2014)
Fluorinated benzophenone derivatives: Balanced multipotent agents for Alzheimer's disease
Eur Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 78C :157

Belluti F, De Simone A, Tarozzi A, Bartolini M, Djemil A, Bisi A, Gobbi S, Montanari S, Cavalli A, Andrisano V, Bottegoni G, Rampa A (2014)
Eur Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 78C :157