

Title : A comparison of the potency of the oxime HLo-7 and currently used oximes (HI-6, pralidoxime, obidoxime) to reactivate nerve agent-inhibited rat brain acetylcholinesterase by in vitro methods - Kuca_2005_Acta.Medica.(Hradec.Kralove)_48_81
Author(s) : Kuca K , Cabal J , Kassa J , Jun D , Hrabinova M
Ref : Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove) , 48 :81 , 2005
Abstract :

(1) The efficacy of the oxime HLo7 and currently used oximes (pralidoxime, obidoxime, HI-6) to reactivate acetylcholinesterase inhibited by various nerve agents (sarin, tabun, cyclosarin, VX) was tested by in vitro methods. (2) Both H oximes (HLo-7, HI-6) were found to be more efficacious reactivators of sarin and VX-inhibited acetylcholinesterase than pralidoxime and obidoxime. On the other hand, their potency to reactivate tabun-inhibited acetylcholinesterase is very low and does not reach the reactivating efficacy of obidoxime. In the case of cyclosarin, the oxime HI-6 was only found to be able to sufficiently reactivate cyclosarin-inhibited acetylcholinesterase in vitro. (3) Thus, the oxime HLo-7 does not seem to be more efficacious reactivator of nerve agent-inhibited acetylcholinesterase than HI-6 according to in vitro evaluation of their reactivation potency and, therefore, it is not more suitable to be introduced for antidotal treatment of nerve agent-exposed people than HI-6.

PubMedSearch : Kuca_2005_Acta.Medica.(Hradec.Kralove)_48_81
PubMedID: 16259317

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Citations formats

Kuca K, Cabal J, Kassa J, Jun D, Hrabinova M (2005)
A comparison of the potency of the oxime HLo-7 and currently used oximes (HI-6, pralidoxime, obidoxime) to reactivate nerve agent-inhibited rat brain acetylcholinesterase by in vitro methods
Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove) 48 :81

Kuca K, Cabal J, Kassa J, Jun D, Hrabinova M (2005)
Acta Medica (Hradec Kralove) 48 :81