

Title : Complete genome sequence of Lactobacillus casei Zhang, a new probiotic strain isolated from traditional homemade koumiss in Inner Mongolia, China - Zhang_2010_J.Bacteriol_192_5268
Author(s) : Zhang W , Yu D , Sun Z , Wu R , Chen X , Chen W , Meng H , Hu S , Zhang H
Ref : Journal of Bacteriology , 192 :5268 , 2010
Abstract :

Lactobacillus casei Zhang is a new probiotic bacterium isolated from koumiss collected in Inner Mongolia, China. Here, we report the main genome features of L. casei Zhang and the identification of several predicted proteins implicated in interactions with the host.

PubMedSearch : Zhang_2010_J.Bacteriol_192_5268
PubMedID: 20675486
Gene_locus related to this paper: lacc3-q03b36 , lacc3-q035l1 , laccb-b3wcx2 , lacrh-pepr , lacca-b5qt93 , lacca-k0n1x0 , lacpa-s2ter8 , lacpa-s2rz88

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Gene_locus lacc3-q03b36    lacc3-q035l1    laccb-b3wcx2    lacrh-pepr    lacca-b5qt93    lacca-k0n1x0    lacpa-s2ter8    lacpa-s2rz88

Citations formats

Zhang W, Yu D, Sun Z, Wu R, Chen X, Chen W, Meng H, Hu S, Zhang H (2010)
Complete genome sequence of Lactobacillus casei Zhang, a new probiotic strain isolated from traditional homemade koumiss in Inner Mongolia, China
Journal of Bacteriology 192 :5268

Zhang W, Yu D, Sun Z, Wu R, Chen X, Chen W, Meng H, Hu S, Zhang H (2010)
Journal of Bacteriology 192 :5268