Name : Haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA mutant from Rhodococcus rhodochrous (T148L+G171Q+A172V+C176G)
Revelation date : 15-Oct-2014
Family : Haloalkane_dehalogenase-HLD2
Gene_locus : rhoso-halo1
PDB file : ESTHER: header of PDB entry RCSB: Full entry
Liskova, V., Bednar, D., Prudnikova, T., Rezacova, P., Koudelakova, T., Sebestova, E., Kuta-Smatanova, I., Brezovsky, J., Chaloupkova, R., Damborsky, J.
Ligand : Ligand in structure: Ligplot
Title : Balancing the stability-activity trade-off by fine-tuning dehalogenase access tunnels - Liskova_2015_ChemCatChem_7_648 |
Author(s) : Liskova V , Bednar D , Prudnikova T , Rezacova P , Koudelakova T , Sebestova E , Kuta-Smatanova I , Brezovsky J , Chaloupkova R , Damborsky J |
Ref : ChemCatChem , 7 :648 , 2015 |
Abstract : |
PubMedSearch : Liskova_2015_ChemCatChem_7_648 |
PubMedID: |
Gene_locus related to this paper: rhoso-halo1 |
PDB-Sum : 4WCV Previously Class, Architecture, Topology and Homologous superfamily - PDB-Sum server
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PROTEOPEDIA : 4WCV 3D, interactive encyclopedia of proteins - PROTEOPEDIA server