Campanaro S

References (6)

Title : Preliminary investigation of microorganisms potentially involved in microplastics degradation using an integrated metagenomic and biochemical approach - Giangeri_2022_Sci.Total.Environ__157017
Author(s) : Giangeri G , Morlino MS , De Bernardini N , Ji M , Bosaro M , Pirillo V , Antoniali P , Molla G , Raga R , Treu L , Campanaro S
Ref : Sci Total Environ , :157017 , 2022
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Giangeri_2022_Sci.Total.Environ__157017
PubMedID: 35777567

Title : New insights from the biogas microbiome by comprehensive genome-resolved metagenomics of nearly 1600 species originating from multiple anaerobic digesters - Campanaro_2020_Biotechnol.Biofuels_13_25
Author(s) : Campanaro S , Treu L , Rodriguez RL , Kovalovszki A , Ziels RM , Maus I , Zhu X , Kougias PG , Basile A , Luo G , Schluter A , Konstantinidis KT , Angelidaki I
Ref : Biotechnol Biofuels , 13 :25 , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Campanaro_2020_Biotechnol.Biofuels_13_25
PubMedID: 32123542
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9bact-a0a7c6q5h4 , uncba-a0a7v6lsv4 , 9bact-a0a7x6nm91 , 9bact-a0a7x6sr71 , 9bact-a0a7x6vvu6 , 9bact-a0a7x6xf11 , 9bact-a0a7x7auj6 , 9bact-a0a7x7be60 , 9bact-a0a7x7exl7 , 9bact-a0a7x7fx78 , 9bact-a0a7x8f737 , 9bact-a0a7x8gc44 , 9bact-a0a7x8jlu7 , 9bact-a0a7x9f361 , 9bact-a0a7x9hhz1 , 9bact-a0a832l7t7 , 9bact-a0a847ans1 , 9bact-a0a847euv8 , 9bact-a0a847xp21 , 9bact-a0a970la92 , 9bact-a0a970p0b6 , 9bact-a0a970r1n5 , 9bact-a0a970u208 , 9bact-a0a970us98 , 9bact-a0a970wz91 , 9bact-a0a970x383 , 9bact-a0a971e0r0 , 9bact-a0a971v265 , 9bact-a0a972a9b0 , 9bact-a0a972bc86

Title : Genome Sequence of Lactobacillus fabifermentans Strain T30PCM01, Isolated from Fermenting Grape Marc - Treu_2014_Genome.Announc_2_e00060
Author(s) : Treu L , Vendramin V , Bovo B , Giacomini A , Corich V , Campanaro S
Ref : Genome Announc , 2 : , 2014
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PubMedSearch : Treu_2014_Genome.Announc_2_e00060
PubMedID: 24558238
Gene_locus related to this paper: 9laco-w6t9k4 , 9laco-a0a0r2nrk2

Title : The impact of genomic variability on gene expression in environmental Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains - Treu_2014_Environ.Microbiol_16_1378
Author(s) : Treu L , Toniolo C , Nadai C , Sardu A , Giacomini A , Corich V , Campanaro S
Ref : Environ Microbiol , 16 :1378 , 2014
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Treu_2014_Environ.Microbiol_16_1378
PubMedID: 24238297
Gene_locus related to this paper: yeast-YDR428C

Title : Life at depth: Photobacterium profundum genome sequence and expression analysis - Vezzi_2005_Science_307_1459
Author(s) : Vezzi A , Campanaro S , D'Angelo M , Simonato F , Vitulo N , Lauro FM , Cestaro A , Malacrida G , Simionati B , Cannata N , Romualdi C , Bartlett DH , Valle G
Ref : Science , 307 :1459 , 2005
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PubMedSearch : Vezzi_2005_Science_307_1459
PubMedID: 15746425
Gene_locus related to this paper: phopr-q1yx74 , phopr-q6lfx5 , phopr-q6lg02 , phopr-q6lik8 , phopr-q6lim4 , phopr-q6lim9 , phopr-q6lkg0 , phopr-q6lki3 , phopr-q6lkq2 , phopr-q6ll08 , phopr-q6lnx4 , phopr-q6lp68 , phopr-q6lq19 , phopr-q6lql0 , phopr-q6lqz4 , phopr-q6lrj9 , phopr-q6lrk1 , phopr-q6lrz8 , phopr-q6lt91 , phopr-q6lt98 , phopr-q6ltc7 , phopr-q6lu29 , phopr-q6luz0 , phopr-q6lvd9 , phopr-q6lvq7 , phopr-q6lvu9 , phopr-Q93CF7 , phopr-Q93CH1 , phopr-y837 , phopr-y2397 , phopr-q6ln03

Title : Functional profiling of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome - Giaever_2002_Nature_418_387
Author(s) : Giaever G , Chu AM , Ni L , Connelly C , Riles L , Veronneau S , Dow S , Lucau-Danila A , Anderson K , Andre B , Arkin AP , Astromoff A , El-Bakkoury M , Bangham R , Benito R , Brachat S , Campanaro S , Curtiss M , Davis K , Deutschbauer A , Entian KD , Flaherty P , Foury F , Garfinkel DJ , Gerstein M , Gotte D , Guldener U , Hegemann JH , Hempel S , Herman Z , Jaramillo DF , Kelly DE , Kelly SL , Kotter P , LaBonte D , Lamb DC , Lan N , Liang H , Liao H , Liu L , Luo C , Lussier M , Mao R , Menard P , Ooi SL , Revuelta JL , Roberts CJ , Rose M , Ross-Macdonald P , Scherens B , Schimmack G , Shafer B , Shoemaker DD , Sookhai-Mahadeo S , Storms RK , Strathern JN , Valle G , Voet M , Volckaert G , Wang CY , Ward TR , Wilhelmy J , Winzeler EA , Yang Y , Yen G , Youngman E , Yu K , Bussey H , Boeke JD , Snyder M , Philippsen P , Davis RW , Johnston M
Ref : Nature , 418 :387 , 2002
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Giaever_2002_Nature_418_387
PubMedID: 12140549