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Title : Comparative genomics of Listeria species - Glaser_2001_Science_294_849
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PubMedSearch : Glaser_2001_Science_294_849
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Gene_locus related to this paper: lisin-LIN0589 , lisin-LIN0754 , lisin-LIN0850 , lisin-LIN0949 , lisin-LIN0950 , lisin-LIN0976 , lisin-LIN1094 , lisin-LIN1546 , lisin-LIN1782 , lisin-LIN2180 , lisin-LIN2214 , lisin-LIN2363 , lisin-LIN2527 , lisin-LIN2544 , lisin-LIN2547 , lisin-LIN2722 , lisin-LIN2825 , lisin-LIN2898 , lismc-c1l0d9 , lismo-LMO0110 , lismo-LMO0493 , lismo-LMO0580 , lismo-LMO0752 , lismo-LMO0760 , lismo-LMO0857 , lismo-LMO0950 , lismo-LMO0951 , lismo-LMO0977 , lismo-LMO1128 , lismo-LMO1258 , lismo-LMO1511 , lismo-LMO1674 , lismo-LMO2074 , lismo-LMO2089 , lismo-LMO2109 , lismo-LMO2262 , lismo-LMO2433 , lismo-LMO2450 , lismo-LMO2452 , lismo-LMO2453 , lismo-LMO2578 , lismo-LMO2677 , lismo-LMO2755 , lismo-metx

Title : Sequence and analysis of chromosome 5 of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana - Tabata_2000_Nature_408_823
Author(s) : Tabata S , Kaneko T , Nakamura Y , Kotani H , Kato T , Asamizu E , Miyajima N , Sasamoto S , Kimura T , Hosouchi T , Kawashima K , Kohara M , Matsumoto M , Matsuno A , Muraki A , Nakayama S , Nakazaki N , Naruo K , Okumura S , Shinpo S , Takeuchi C , Wada T , Watanabe A , Yamada M , Yasuda M , Sato S , de la Bastide M , Huang E , Spiegel L , Gnoj L , O'Shaughnessy A , Preston R , Habermann K , Murray J , Johnson D , Rohlfing T , Nelson J , Stoneking T , Pepin K , Spieth J , Sekhon M , Armstrong J , Becker M , Belter E , Cordum H , Cordes M , Courtney L , Courtney W , Dante M , Du H , Edwards J , Fryman J , Haakensen B , Lamar E , Latreille P , Leonard S , Meyer R , Mulvaney E , Ozersky P , Riley A , Strowmatt C , Wagner-McPherson C , Wollam A , Yoakum M , Bell M , Dedhia N , Parnell L , Shah R , Rodriguez M , See LH , Vil D , Baker J , Kirchoff K , Toth K , King L , Bahret A , Miller B , Marra M , Martienssen R , McCombie WR , Wilson RK , Murphy G , Bancroft I , Volckaert G , Wambutt R , Dusterhoft A , Stiekema W , Pohl T , Entian KD , Terryn N , Hartley N , Bent E , Johnson S , Langham SA , McCullagh B , Robben J , Grymonprez B , Zimmermann W , Ramsperger U , Wedler H , Balke K , Wedler E , Peters S , van Staveren M , Dirkse W , Mooijman P , Lankhorst RK , Weitzenegger T , Bothe G , Rose M , Hauf J , Berneiser S , Hempel S , Feldpausch M , Lamberth S , Villarroel R , Gielen J , Ardiles W , Bents O , Lemcke K , Kolesov G , Mayer K , Rudd S , Schoof H , Schueller C , Zaccaria P , Mewes HW , Bevan M , Fransz P
Ref : Nature , 408 :823 , 2000
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Tabata_2000_Nature_408_823
PubMedID: 11130714
Gene_locus related to this paper: arath-At5g11650 , arath-At5g16120 , arath-at5g18630 , arath-AT5G20520 , arath-At5g21950 , arath-AT5G27320 , arath-CXE15 , arath-F1N13.220 , arath-F14F8.240 , arath-q3e9e4 , arath-q8lae9 , arath-Q8LFB7 , arath-q9ffg7 , arath-q9fij5 , arath-Q9LVU7 , arath-q66gm8 , arath-SCPL34 , arath-B9DFR3 , arath-a0a1p8bcz0

Title : Functional analysis of 150 deletion mutants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by a systematic approach - Entian_1999_Mol.Gen.Genet_262_683
Author(s) : Entian KD , Schuster T , Hegemann JH , Becher D , Feldmann H , Guldener U , Gotz R , Hansen M , Hollenberg CP , Jansen G , Kramer W , Klein S , Kotter P , Kricke J , Launhardt H , Mannhaupt G , Maierl A , Meyer P , Mewes W , Munder T , Niedenthal RK , Ramezani Rad M , Rohmer A , Romer A , Rose M , Schafer B , Siegler ML , Vetter J , Wilhelm N , Wolf K , Zimmermann FK , Zollner A , Hinnen A , et al.
Ref : Molecular & General Genetics , 262 :683 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Entian_1999_Mol.Gen.Genet_262_683
PubMedID: 10628851
Gene_locus related to this paper: yeast-ict1

Title : Sequence and analysis of chromosome 4 of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana - Mayer_1999_Nature_402_769
Author(s) : Mayer K , Schuller C , Wambutt R , Murphy G , Volckaert G , Pohl T , Dusterhoft A , Stiekema W , Entian KD , Terryn N , Harris B , Ansorge W , Brandt P , Grivell L , Rieger M , Weichselgartner M , de Simone V , Obermaier B , Mache R , Muller M , Kreis M , Delseny M , Puigdomenech P , Watson M , Schmidtheini T , Reichert B , Portatelle D , Perez-Alonso M , Boutry M , Bancroft I , Vos P , Hoheisel J , Zimmermann W , Wedler H , Ridley P , Langham SA , McCullagh B , Bilham L , Robben J , Van der Schueren J , Grymonprez B , Chuang YJ , Vandenbussche F , Braeken M , Weltjens I , Voet M , Bastiaens I , Aert R , Defoor E , Weitzenegger T , Bothe G , Ramsperger U , Hilbert H , Braun M , Holzer E , Brandt A , Peters S , van Staveren M , Dirske W , Mooijman P , Klein Lankhorst R , Rose M , Hauf J , Kotter P , Berneiser S , Hempel S , Feldpausch M , Lamberth S , Van den Daele H , De Keyser A , Buysshaert C , Gielen J , Villarroel R , De Clercq R , van Montagu M , Rogers J , Cronin A , Quail M , Bray-Allen S , Clark L , Doggett J , Hall S , Kay M , Lennard N , McLay K , Mayes R , Pettett A , Rajandream MA , Lyne M , Benes V , Rechmann S , Borkova D , Blocker H , Scharfe M , Grimm M , Lohnert TH , Dose S , de Haan M , Maarse A , Schafer M , Muller-Auer S , Gabel C , Fuchs M , Fartmann B , Granderath K , Dauner D , Herzl A , Neumann S , Argiriou A , Vitale D , Liguori R , Piravandi E , Massenet O , Quigley F , Clabauld G , Mundlein A , Felber R , Schnabl S , Hiller R , Schmidt W , Lecharny A , Aubourg S , Chefdor F , Cooke R , Berger C , Montfort A , Casacuberta E , Gibbons T , Weber N , Vandenbol M , Bargues M , Terol J , Torres A , Perez-Perez A , Purnelle B , Bent E , Johnson S , Tacon D , Jesse T , Heijnen L , Schwarz S , Scholler P , Heber S , Francs P , Bielke C , Frishman D , Haase D , Lemcke K , Mewes HW , Stocker S , Zaccaria P , Bevan M , Wilson RK , de la Bastide M , Habermann K , Parnell L , Dedhia N , Gnoj L , Schutz K , Huang E , Spiegel L , Sehkon M , Murray J , Sheet P , Cordes M , Abu-Threideh J , Stoneking T , Kalicki J , Graves T , Harmon G , Edwards J , Latreille P , Courtney L , Cloud J , Abbott A , Scott K , Johnson D , Minx P , Bentley D , Fulton B , Miller N , Greco T , Kemp K , Kramer J , Fulton L , Mardis E , Dante M , Pepin K , Hillier L , Nelson J , Spieth J , Ryan E , Andrews S , Geisel C , Layman D , Du H , Ali J , Berghoff A , Jones K , Drone K , Cotton M , Joshu C , Antonoiu B , Zidanic M , Strong C , Sun H , Lamar B , Yordan C , Ma P , Zhong J , Preston R , Vil D , Shekher M , Matero A , Shah R , Swaby IK , O'Shaughnessy A , Rodriguez M , Hoffmann J , Till S , Granat S , Shohdy N , Hasegawa A , Hameed A , Lodhi M , Johnson A , Chen E , Marra M , Martienssen R , McCombie WR
Ref : Nature , 402 :769 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Mayer_1999_Nature_402_769
PubMedID: 10617198
Gene_locus related to this paper: arath-AT4G00500 , arath-AT4G16690 , arath-AT4G17480 , arath-AT4G24380 , arath-AT4g30610 , arath-o65513 , arath-o65713 , arath-LPAAT , arath-f4jt64

Title : Detecting and analyzing DNA sequencing errors: toward a higher quality of the Bacillus subtilis genome sequence - Medigue_1999_Genome.Res_9_1116
Author(s) : Medigue C , Rose M , Viari A , Danchin A
Ref : Genome Res , 9 :1116 , 1999
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Medigue_1999_Genome.Res_9_1116
PubMedID: 10568751
Gene_locus related to this paper: bacsu-YUKL

Title : The complete genome sequence of the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis - Kunst_1997_Nature_390_249
Author(s) : Kunst F , Ogasawara N , Moszer I , Albertini AM , Alloni G , Azevedo V , Bertero MG , Bessieres P , Bolotin A , Borchert S , Borriss R , Boursier L , Brans A , Braun M , Brignell SC , Bron S , Brouillet S , Bruschi CV , Caldwell B , Capuano V , Carter NM , Choi SK , Cordani JJ , Connerton IF , Cummings NJ , Daniel RA , Denziot F , Devine KM , Dusterhoft A , Ehrlich SD , Emmerson PT , Entian KD , Errington J , Fabret C , Ferrari E , Foulger D , Fritz C , Fujita M , Fujita Y , Fuma S , Galizzi A , Galleron N , Ghim SY , Glaser P , Goffeau A , Golightly EJ , Grandi G , Guiseppi G , Guy BJ , Haga K , Haiech J , Harwood CR , Henaut A , Hilbert H , Holsappel S , Hosono S , Hullo MF , Itaya M , Jones L , Joris B , Karamata D , Kasahara Y , Klaerr-Blanchard M , Klein C , Kobayashi Y , Koetter P , Koningstein G , Krogh S , Kumano M , Kurita K , Lapidus A , Lardinois S , Lauber J , Lazarevic V , Lee SM , Levine A , Liu H , Masuda S , Mauel C , Medigue C , Medina N , Mellado RP , Mizuno M , Moestl D , Nakai S , Noback M , Noone D , O'Reilly M , Ogawa K , Ogiwara A , Oudega B , Park SH , Parro V , Pohl TM , Portelle D , Porwollik S , Prescott AM , Presecan E , Pujic P , Purnelle B , Rapoport G , Rey M , Reynolds S , Rieger M , Rivolta C , Rocha E , Roche B , Rose M , Sadaie Y , Sato T , Scanlan E , Schleich S , Schroeter R , Scoffone F , Sekiguchi J , Sekowska A , Seror SJ , Serror P , Shin BS , Soldo B , Sorokin A , Tacconi E , Takagi T , Takahashi H , Takemaru K , Takeuchi M , Tamakoshi A , Tanaka T , Terpstra P , Togoni A , Tosato V , Uchiyama S , Vandebol M , Vannier F , Vassarotti A , Viari A , Wambutt R , Wedler H , Weitzenegger T , Winters P , Wipat A , Yamamoto H , Yamane K , Yasumoto K , Yata K , Yoshida K , Yoshikawa HF , Zumstein E , Yoshikawa H , Danchin A
Ref : Nature , 390 :249 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Kunst_1997_Nature_390_249
PubMedID: 9384377
Gene_locus related to this paper: bacsu-CAH , bacsu-cbxnp , bacsu-lip , bacsu-LIPB , bacsu-PKSR , bacsu-pnbae , bacsu-PPSE , bacsu-srf4 , bacsu-srfac , bacsu-YBAC , bacsu-YBDG , bacsu-ybfk , bacsu-ycgS , bacsu-yczh , bacsu-YDEN , bacsu-ydjp , bacsu-yfhM , bacsu-yisY , bacsu-YITV , bacsu-yjau , bacsu-YJCH , bacsu-MHQD , bacsu-yqjl , bacsu-yqkd , bacsu-YRAK , bacsu-YTAP , bacsu-YTMA , bacsu-YTPA , bacsu-ytxm , bacsu-yugF , bacsu-YUII , bacsu-YUKL , bacsu-YVAK , bacsu-YvaM , bacsu-RsbQ , bacsu-yvcb

Title : The nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome XII - Johnston_1997_Nature_387_87
Author(s) : Johnston M , Hillier L , Riles L , Albermann K , Andre B , Ansorge W , Benes V , Bruckner M , Delius H , Dubois E , Dusterhoft A , Entian KD , Floeth M , Goffeau A , Hebling U , Heumann K , Heuss-Neitzel D , Hilbert H , Hilger F , Kleine K , Kotter P , Louis EJ , Messenguy F , Mewes HW , Miosga T , Mostl D , Muller-Auer S , Nentwich U , Obermaier B , Piravandi E , Pohl TM , Portetelle D , Purnelle B , Rechmann S , Rieger M , Rinke M , Rose M , Scharfe M , Scherens B , Scholler P , Schwager C , Schwarz S , Underwood AP , Urrestarazu LA , Vandenbol M , Verhasselt P , Vierendeels F , Voet M , Volckaert G , Voss H , Wambutt , Wedler E , Wedler H , Zimmermann FK , Zollner A , Hani J , Hoheisel JD
Ref : Nature , 387 :87 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Johnston_1997_Nature_387_87
PubMedID: 9169871
Gene_locus related to this paper: yeast-ict1 , yeast-YLR118c

Title : Complete DNA sequence of yeast chromosome II - Feldmann_1994_EMBO.J_13_5795
Author(s) : Feldmann H , Aigle M , Aljinovic G , Andre B , Baclet MC , Barthe C , Baur A , Becam AM , Biteau N , Boles E , Brandt T , Brendel M , Bruckner M , Bussereau F , Christiansen C , Contreras R , Crouzet M , Cziepluch C , Demolis N , Delaveau T , Doignon F , Domdey H , Dusterhus S , Dubois E , Dujon B , El Bakkoury M , Entian KD , Feurmann M , Fiers W , Fobo GM , Fritz C , Gassenhuber H , Glandsdorff N , Goffeau A , Grivell LA , de Haan M , Hein C , Herbert CJ , Hollenberg CP , Holmstrom K , Jacq C , Jacquet M , Jauniaux JC , Jonniaux JL , Kallesoe T , Kiesau P , Kirchrath L , Kotter P , Korol S , Liebl S , Logghe M , Lohan AJ , Louis EJ , Li ZY , Maat MJ , Mallet L , Mannhaupt G , Messenguy F , Miosga T , Molemans F , Muller S , Nasr F , Obermaier B , Perea J , Pierard A , Piravandi E , Pohl FM , Pohl TM , Potier S , Proft M , Purnelle B , Ramezani Rad M , Rieger M , Rose M , Schaaff-Gerstenschlager I , Scherens B , Schwarzlose C , Skala J , Slonimski PP , Smits PH , Souciet JL , Steensma HY , Stucka R , Urrestarazu A , van der Aart QJ , van Dyck L , Vassarotti A , Vetter I , Vierendeels F , Vissers S , Wagner G , de Wergifosse P , Wolfe KH , Zagulski M , Zimmermann FK , Mewes HW , Kleine K , Dsterhus S , Mller S , Pirard A , Schaaff-Gerstenschlger I
Ref : EMBO Journal , 13 :5795 , 1994
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Feldmann_1994_EMBO.J_13_5795
PubMedID: 7813418
Gene_locus related to this paper: yeast-LDH1 , yeast-MCFS2 , yeast-yby9

Title : Complete DNA sequence of yeast chromosome XI - Dujon_1994_Nature_369_371
Author(s) : Dujon B , Alexandraki D , Andre B , Ansorge W , Baladron V , Ballesta JP , Banrevi A , Bolle PA , Bolotin-Fukuhara M , Bossier P , Bou G , Boyer J , Bultrago MJ , Cheret G , Colleaux L , Dalgnan-Fornler B , del Rey F , Dlon C , Domdey H , Dsterhoft A , Dsterhus S , Entlan KD , Erfle H , Esteban PF , Feldmann H , Fernandes L , Robo GM , Fritz C , Fukuhara H , Gabel C , Gaillon L , Carcia-Cantalejo JM , Garcia-Ramirez JJ , Gent NE , Ghazvini M , Goffeau A , Gonzalez A , Grothues D , Guerreiro P , Hegemann J , Hewitt N , Hilger F , Hollenberg CP , Horaitis O , Indge KJ , Jacquier A , James CM , Jauniaux C , Jimenez A , Keuchel H , Kirchrath L , Kleine K , Ktter P , Legrain P , Liebl S , Louis EJ , Maia e Silva A , Marck C , Monnier AL , Mostl D , Mller S , Obermaier B , Oliver SG , Pallier C , Pascolo S , Pfeiffer F , Philippsen P , Planta RJ , Pohl FM , Pohl TM , Pohlmann R , Portetelle D , Purnelle B , Puzos V , Ramezani Rad M , Rasmussen SW , Remacha M , Revuelta JL , Richard GF , Rieger M , Rodrigues-Pousada C , Rose M , Rupp T , Santos MA , Schwager C , Sensen C , Skala J , Soares H , Sor F , Stegemann J , Tettelin H , Thierry A , Tzermia M , Urrestarazu LA , van Dyck L , Van Vliet-Reedijk JC , Valens M , Vandenbo M , Vilela C , Vissers S , von Wettstein D , Voss H , Wiemann S , Xu G , Zimmermann J , Haasemann M , Becker I , Mewes HW
Ref : Nature , 369 :371 , 1994
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Dujon_1994_Nature_369_371
PubMedID: 8196765
Gene_locus related to this paper: yeast-mgll