Johnston M

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Title : The Awesome Power of Yeast Evolutionary Genetics: New Genome Sequences and Strain Resources for the Saccharomyces sensu stricto Genus - Scannell_2011_G3.(Bethesda)_1_11
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Gene_locus related to this paper: sack1-j5ri36

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Gene_locus related to this paper: lactc-c5dci9 , lactc-c5ddi5 , lactc-c5dew5 , lactc-c5dez1 , lactc-c5df11 , lactc-c5dfh7 , lactc-c5dgd1 , lactc-c5dif7 , lactc-c5din7 , lactc-c5dja0 , lactc-c5dm95 , lactc-c5dn06 , lactc-c5dnn9 , lactc-c5e2g8 , lactc-c5e3n5 , lactc-c5e375 , zygrc-c5drr0 , zygrc-c5dvh0 , zygrc-c5dvl2 , zygrc-c5dvx0 , zygrc-c5dvz8 , zygrc-c5dx83 , zygrc-c5dxn5 , zygrc-c5dxq9 , zygrc-c5e0w1 , zygrc-c5e1e4 , zygrc-c5e1h2 , zygro-a0a1q2zt01 , 9sach-a0a0p1kuu1 , lactc-kex1 , zygrc-kex1

Title : Full mass spectrometric characterization of human monoacylglycerol lipase generated by large-scale expression and single-step purification - Zvonok_2008_J.Proteome.Res_7_2158
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Title : Covalent inhibitors of human monoacylglycerol lipase: ligand-assisted characterization of the catalytic site by mass spectrometry and mutational analysis - Zvonok_2008_Chem.Biol_15_854
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Title : Finding functional features in Saccharomyces genomes by phylogenetic footprinting - Cliften_2003_Science_301_71
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Gene_locus related to this paper: sack1-j5ri36

Title : Functional profiling of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae genome - Giaever_2002_Nature_418_387
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PubMedSearch : Giaever_2002_Nature_418_387
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Title : The nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome IV - Jacq_1997_Nature_387_75
Author(s) : Jacq C , Alt-Morbe J , Andre B , Arnold W , Bahr A , Ballesta JP , Bargues M , Baron L , Becker A , Biteau N , Blocker H , Blugeon C , Boskovic J , Brandt P , Bruckner M , Buitrago MJ , Coster F , Delaveau T , del Rey F , Dujon B , Eide LG , Garcia-Cantalejo JM , Goffeau A , Gomez-Peris AC , Granotier C , Hanemann V , Hankeln T , Hoheisel JD , Jager W , Jimenez A , Jonniaux JL , Kramer C , Kuster H , Laamanen P , Legros Y , Louis E , Muller-Rieker S , Monnet A , Moro M , Muller-Auer S , Nussbaumer B , Paricio N , Paulin L , Perea J , Perez-Alonso M , Perez-Ortin JE , Pohl TM , Prydz H , Purnelle B , Rasmussen SW , Remacha M , Revuelta JL , Rieger M , Salom D , Saluz HP , Saiz JE , Saren AM , Schafer M , Scharfe M , Schmidt ER , Schneider C , Scholler P , Schwarz S , Soler-Mira A , Urrestarazu LA , Verhasselt P , Vissers S , Voet M , Volckaert G , Wagner G , Wambutt R , Wedler E , Wedler H , Wolfl S , Harris DE , Bowman S , Brown D , Churcher CM , Connor R , Dedman K , Gentles S , Hamlin N , Hunt S , Jones L , McDonald S , Murphy L , Niblett D , Odell C , Oliver K , Rajandream MA , Richards C , Shore L , Walsh SV , Barrell BG , Dietrich FS , Mulligan J , Allen E , Araujo R , Aviles E , Berno A , Carpenter J , Chen E , Cherry JM , Chung E , Duncan M , Hunicke-Smith S , Hyman R , Komp C , Lashkari D , Lew H , Lin D , Mosedale D , Nakahara K , Namath A , Oefner P , Oh C , Petel FX , Roberts D , Schramm S , Schroeder M , Shogren T , Shroff N , Winant A , Yelton M , Botstein D , Davis RW , Johnston M , Hillier L , Riles L , Albermann K , Hani J , Heumann K , Kleine K , Mewes HW , Zollner A , Zaccaria P
Ref : Nature , 387 :75 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Jacq_1997_Nature_387_75
PubMedID: 9169867
Gene_locus related to this paper: yeast-dlhh , yeast-ECM18 , yeast-YDL109C , yeast-YDR428C , yeast-YDR444W

Title : The nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome XII - Johnston_1997_Nature_387_87
Author(s) : Johnston M , Hillier L , Riles L , Albermann K , Andre B , Ansorge W , Benes V , Bruckner M , Delius H , Dubois E , Dusterhoft A , Entian KD , Floeth M , Goffeau A , Hebling U , Heumann K , Heuss-Neitzel D , Hilbert H , Hilger F , Kleine K , Kotter P , Louis EJ , Messenguy F , Mewes HW , Miosga T , Mostl D , Muller-Auer S , Nentwich U , Obermaier B , Piravandi E , Pohl TM , Portetelle D , Purnelle B , Rechmann S , Rieger M , Rinke M , Rose M , Scharfe M , Scherens B , Scholler P , Schwager C , Schwarz S , Underwood AP , Urrestarazu LA , Vandenbol M , Verhasselt P , Vierendeels F , Voet M , Volckaert G , Voss H , Wambutt , Wedler E , Wedler H , Zimmermann FK , Zollner A , Hani J , Hoheisel JD
Ref : Nature , 387 :87 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Johnston_1997_Nature_387_87
PubMedID: 9169871
Gene_locus related to this paper: yeast-ict1 , yeast-YLR118c

Title : The nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome XVI - Bussey_1997_Nature_387_103
Author(s) : Bussey H , Storms RK , Ahmed A , Albermann K , Allen E , Ansorge W , Araujo R , Aparicio A , Barrell B , Badcock K , Benes V , Botstein D , Bowman S , Bruckner M , Carpenter J , Cherry JM , Chung E , Churcher C , Coster F , Davis K , Davis RW , Dietrich FS , Delius H , DiPaolo T , Dubois E , Dusterhoft A , Duncan M , Floeth M , Fortin N , Friesen JD , Fritz C , Goffeau A , Hall J , Hebling U , Heumann K , Hilbert H , Hillier L , Hunicke-Smith S , Hyman R , Johnston M , Kalman S , Kleine K , Komp C , Kurdi O , Lashkari D , Lew H , Lin A , Lin D , Louis EJ , Marathe R , Messenguy F , Mewes HW , Mirtipati S , Moestl D , Muller-Auer S , Namath A , Nentwich U , Oefner P , Pearson D , Petel FX , Pohl TM , Purnelle B , Rajandream MA , Rechmann S , Rieger M , Riles L , Roberts D , Schafer M , Scharfe M , Scherens B , Schramm S , Schroder M , Sdicu AM , Tettelin H , Urrestarazu LA , Ushinsky S , Vierendeels F , Vissers S , Voss H , Walsh SV , Wambutt R , Wang Y , Wedler E , Wedler H , Winnett E , Zhong WW , Zollner A , Vo DH , Hani J
Ref : Nature , 387 :103 , 1997
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Bussey_1997_Nature_387_103
PubMedID: 9169875
Gene_locus related to this paper: yeast-MCFS1 , yeast-YPR147C

Title : Life with 6000 genes - Goffeau_1996_Science_274_563
Author(s) : Goffeau A , Barrell BG , Bussey H , Davis RW , Dujon B , Feldmann H , Galibert F , Hoheisel JD , Jacq C , Johnston M , Louis EJ , Mewes HW , Murakami Y , Philippsen P , Tettelin H , Oliver SG
Ref : Science , 274 :546 , 1996
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Goffeau_1996_Science_274_563
PubMedID: 8849441
Gene_locus related to this paper: yeast-ATG15 , yeast-SAY1

Title : Complete nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome VIII - Johnston_1994_Science_265_2077
Author(s) : Johnston M , Andrews S , Brinkman R , Cooper J , Ding H , Dover J , Du Z , Favello A , Fulton L , Gattung S , et al.
Ref : Science , 265 :2077 , 1994
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Johnston_1994_Science_265_2077
PubMedID: 8091229
Gene_locus related to this paper: yeast-FSH1 , yeast-ppme1