Title : Engineering the protein dynamics of an ancestral luciferase - Schenkmayerova_2021_Nat.Commun_12_3616 |
Author(s) :
Schenkmayerova A , Pinto GP , Toul M , Marek M , Hernychova L , Planas-Iglesias J , Daniel Liskova V , Pluskal D , Vasina M , Emond S , Dorr M , Chaloupkova R , Bednar D , Prokop Z , Hollfelder F , Bornscheuer UT , Damborsky J |
Ref :
Nat Commun , 12 :3616 , 2021 |
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Schenkmayerova_2021_Nat.Commun_12_3616 |
PubMedID: 34127663 |
Gene_locus related to this paper:
renre-luc |