Title : A recombined allele of the lipase gene CEL and its pseudogene CELP confers susceptibility to chronic pancreatitis - Fjeld_2015_Nat.Genet_47_518
Author(s) :
Fjeld K , Weiss FU , Lasher D , Rosendahl J , Chen JM , Johansson BB , Kirsten H , Ruffert C , Masson E , Steine SJ , Bugert P , Cnop M , Grutzmann R , Mayerle J , Mossner J , Ringdal M , Schulz HU , Sendler M , Simon P , Sztromwasser P , Torsvik J , Scholz M , Tjora E , Ferec C , Witt H , Lerch MM , Njolstad PR , Johansson S , Molven A
Ref :
Nat Genet , 47 :518 , 2015
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PubMedSearch : Fjeld_2015_Nat.Genet_47_518
PubMedID : 25774637
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