Johansson S


Full name : Johansson Susanne

First name : Susanne

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References (15)

Title : Common single-base insertions in the VNTR of the carboxyl ester lipase (CEL) gene are benign and also likely to arise somatically in the exocrine pancreas - Brekke_2024_Hum.Mol.Genet__
Author(s) : Brekke RS , Gravdal A , El Jellas K , Curry GE , Lin J , Wilhelm SJ , Steine SJ , Mas E , Johansson S , Lowe ME , Johansson BB , Xiao X , Fjeld K , Molven A
Ref : Hum Mol Genet , : , 2024
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Brekke_2024_Hum.Mol.Genet__
PubMedID: 38483348

Title : The position of single-base deletions in the VNTR sequence of the carboxyl ester lipase (CEL) gene determines proteotoxicity - Gravdal_2021_J.Biol.Chem_296_100661
Author(s) : Gravdal A , Xiao X , Cnop M , El Jellas K , Johansson S , Njolstad PR , Lowe ME , Johansson BB , Molven A , Fjeld K
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 296 :100661 , 2021
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Gravdal_2021_J.Biol.Chem_296_100661
PubMedID: 33862081

Title : Two new mutations in the CEL gene causing diabetes and hereditary pancreatitis: How to correctly identify MODY8 cases - El Jellas_2021_J.Clin.Endocrinol.Metab__
Author(s) : El Jellas K , Dusatkova P , Haldorsen IS , Molnes J , Tjora E , Johansson BB , Fjeld K , Johansson S , Pruhova S , Groop L , Lohr JM , Njolstad PR , Molven A
Ref : J Clinical Endocrinology Metab , : , 2021
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : El Jellas_2021_J.Clin.Endocrinol.Metab__
PubMedID: 34850019
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CEL

Title : Characterization of CEL-DUP2: Complete duplication of the carboxyl ester lipase gene is unlikely to influence risk of chronic pancreatitis - Fjeld_2020_Pancreatology__
Author(s) : Fjeld K , Masson E , Lin JH , Michl P , Stokowy T , Gravdal A , El Jellas K , Steine SJ , Hoem D , Johansson BB , Dalva M , Ruffert C , Zou WB , Li ZS , Njolstad PR , Chen JM , Liao Z , Johansson S , Rosendahl J , Ferec C , Molven A
Ref : Pancreatology , : , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Fjeld_2020_Pancreatology__
PubMedID: 32007358

Title : The role of the carboxyl ester lipase (CEL) gene in pancreatic disease - Johansson_2018_Pancreatology_18_12
Author(s) : Johansson BB , Fjeld K , El Jellas K , Gravdal A , Dalva M , Tjora E , Raeder H , Kulkarni RN , Johansson S , Njolstad PR , Molven A
Ref : Pancreatology , 18 :12 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Johansson_2018_Pancreatology_18_12
PubMedID: 29233499
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CEL

Title : Protein-altering variants associated with body mass index implicate pathways that control energy intake and expenditure in obesity - Turcot_2018_Nat.Genet_50_26
Author(s) : Turcot V , Lu Y , Highland HM , Schurmann C , Justice AE , Fine RS , Bradfield JP , Esko T , Giri A , Graff M , Guo X , Hendricks AE , Karaderi T , Lempradl A , Locke AE , Mahajan A , Marouli E , Sivapalaratnam S , Young KL , Alfred T , Feitosa MF , Masca NGD , Manning AK , Medina-Gomez C , Mudgal P , Ng MCY , Reiner AP , Vedantam S , Willems SM , Winkler TW , Abecasis G , Aben KK , Alam DS , Alharthi SE , Allison M , Amouyel P , Asselbergs FW , Auer PL , Balkau B , Bang LE , Barroso I , Bastarache L , Benn M , Bergmann S , Bielak LF , Bluher M , Boehnke M , Boeing H , Boerwinkle E , Boger CA , Bork-Jensen J , Bots ML , Bottinger EP , Bowden DW , Brandslund I , Breen G , Brilliant MH , Broer L , Brumat M , Burt AA , Butterworth AS , Campbell PT , Cappellani S , Carey DJ , Catamo E , Caulfield MJ , Chambers JC , Chasman DI , Chen YI , Chowdhury R , Christensen C , Chu AY , Cocca M , Collins FS , Cook JP , Corley J , Corominas Galbany J , Cox AJ , Crosslin DS , Cuellar-Partida G , D'Eustacchio A , Danesh J , Davies G , Bakker PIW , Groot MCH , Mutsert R , Deary IJ , Dedoussis G , Demerath EW , Heijer M , Hollander AI , Ruijter HM , Dennis JG , Denny JC , Angelantonio E , Drenos F , Du M , Dube MP , Dunning AM , Easton DF , Edwards TL , Ellinghaus D , Ellinor PT , Elliott P , Evangelou E , Farmaki AE , Farooqi IS , Faul JD , Fauser S , Feng S , Ferrannini E , Ferrieres J , Florez JC , Ford I , Fornage M , Franco OH , Franke A , Franks PW , Friedrich N , Frikke-Schmidt R , Galesloot TE , Gan W , Gandin I , Gasparini P , Gibson J , Giedraitis V , Gjesing AP , Gordon-Larsen P , Gorski M , Grabe HJ , Grant SFA , Grarup N , Griffiths HL , Grove ML , Gudnason V , Gustafsson S , Haessler J , Hakonarson H , Hammerschlag AR , Hansen T , Harris KM , Harris TB , Hattersley AT , Have CT , Hayward C , He L , Heard-Costa NL , Heath AC , Heid IM , Helgeland O , Hernesniemi J , Hewitt AW , Holmen OL , Hovingh GK , Howson JMM , Hu Y , Huang PL , Huffman JE , Ikram MA , Ingelsson E , Jackson AU , Jansson JH , Jarvik GP , Jensen GB , Jia Y , Johansson S , Jorgensen ME , Jorgensen T , Jukema JW , Kahali B , Kahn RS , Kahonen M , Kamstrup PR , Kanoni S , Kaprio J , Karaleftheri M , Kardia SLR , Karpe F , Kathiresan S , Kee F , Kiemeney LA , Kim E , Kitajima H , Komulainen P , Kooner JS , Kooperberg C , Korhonen T , Kovacs P , Kuivaniemi H , Kutalik Z , Kuulasmaa K , Kuusisto J , Laakso M , Lakka TA , Lamparter D , Lange EM , Lange LA , Langenberg C , Larson EB , Lee NR , Lehtimaki T , Lewis CE , Li H , Li J , Li-Gao R , Lin H , Lin KH , Lin LA , Lin X , Lind L , Lindstrom J , Linneberg A , Liu CT , Liu DJ , Liu Y , Lo KS , Lophatananon A , Lotery AJ , Loukola A , Luan J , Lubitz SA , Lyytikainen LP , Mannisto S , Marenne G , Mazul AL , McCarthy MI , McKean-Cowdin R , Medland SE , Meidtner K , Milani L , Mistry V , Mitchell P , Mohlke KL , Moilanen L , Moitry M , Montgomery GW , Mook-Kanamori DO , Moore C , Mori TA , Morris AD , Morris AP , Muller-Nurasyid M , Munroe PB , Nalls MA , Narisu N , Nelson CP , Neville M , Nielsen SF , Nikus K , Njolstad PR , Nordestgaard BG , Nyholt DR , O'Connel JR , O'Donoghue ML , Olde Loohuis LM , Ophoff RA , Owen KR , Packard CJ , Padmanabhan S , Palmer CNA , Palmer ND , Pasterkamp G , Patel AP , Pattie A , Pedersen O , Peissig PL , Peloso GM , Pennell CE , Perola M , Perry JA , Perry JRB , Pers TH , Person TN , Peters A , Petersen ERB , Peyser PA , Pirie A , Polasek O , Polderman TJ , Puolijoki H , Raitakari OT , Rasheed A , Rauramaa R , Reilly DF , Renstrom F , Rheinberger M , Ridker PM , Rioux JD , Rivas MA , Roberts DJ , Robertson NR , Robino A , Rolandsson O , Rudan I , Ruth KS , Saleheen D , Salomaa V , Samani NJ , Sapkota Y , Sattar N , Schoen RE , Schreiner PJ , Schulze MB , Scott RA , Segura-Lepe MP , Shah SH , Sheu WH , Sim X , Slater AJ , Small KS , Smith AV , Southam L , Spector TD , Speliotes EK , Starr JM , Stefansson K , Steinthorsdottir V , Stirrups KE , Strauch K , Stringham HM , Stumvoll M , Sun L , Surendran P , Swift AJ , Tada H , Tansey KE , Tardif JC , Taylor KD , Teumer A , Thompson DJ , Thorleifsson G , Thorsteinsdottir U , Thuesen BH , Tonjes A , Tromp G , Trompet S , Tsafantakis E , Tuomilehto J , Tybjaerg-Hansen A , Tyrer JP , Uher R , Uitterlinden AG , Uusitupa M , Laan SW , Duijn CM , Leeuwen N , van Setten J , Vanhala M , Varbo A , Varga TV , Varma R , Velez Edwards DR , Vermeulen SH , Veronesi G , Vestergaard H , Vitart V , Vogt TF , Volker U , Vuckovic D , Wagenknecht LE , Walker M , Wallentin L , Wang F , Wang CA , Wang S , Wang Y , Ware EB , Wareham NJ , Warren HR , Waterworth DM , Wessel J , White HD , Willer CJ , Wilson JG , Witte DR , Wood AR , Wu Y , Yaghootkar H , Yao J , Yao P , Yerges-Armstrong LM , Young R , Zeggini E , Zhan X , Zhang W , Zhao JH , Zhao W , Zhou W , Zondervan KT , Rotter JI , Pospisilik JA , Rivadeneira F , Borecki IB , Deloukas P , Frayling TM , Lettre G , North KE , Lindgren CM , Hirschhorn JN , Loos RJF
Ref : Nat Genet , 50 :26 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Turcot_2018_Nat.Genet_50_26
PubMedID: 29273807

Title : Copy number variants and VNTR length polymorphisms of the carboxyl-ester lipase (CEL) gene as risk factors in pancreatic cancer - Dalva_2017_Pancreatology_17_83
Author(s) : Dalva M , El Jellas K , Steine SJ , Johansson BB , Ringdal M , Torsvik J , Immervoll H , Hoem D , Laemmerhirt F , Simon P , Lerch MM , Johansson S , Njolstad PR , Weiss FU , Fjeld K , Molven A
Ref : Pancreatology , 17 :83 , 2017
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Dalva_2017_Pancreatology_17_83
PubMedID: 27773618
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CEL

Title : A recombined allele of the lipase gene CEL and its pseudogene CELP confers susceptibility to chronic pancreatitis - Fjeld_2015_Nat.Genet_47_518
Author(s) : Fjeld K , Weiss FU , Lasher D , Rosendahl J , Chen JM , Johansson BB , Kirsten H , Ruffert C , Masson E , Steine SJ , Bugert P , Cnop M , Grutzmann R , Mayerle J , Mossner J , Ringdal M , Schulz HU , Sendler M , Simon P , Sztromwasser P , Torsvik J , Scholz M , Tjora E , Ferec C , Witt H , Lerch MM , Njolstad PR , Johansson S , Molven A
Ref : Nat Genet , 47 :518 , 2015
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Fjeld_2015_Nat.Genet_47_518
PubMedID: 25774637
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CEL

Title : The number of tandem repeats in the carboxyl-ester lipase (CEL) gene as a risk factor in alcoholic and idiopathic chronic pancreatitis - Ragvin_2013_Pancreatology_13_29
Author(s) : Ragvin A , Fjeld K , Weiss FU , Torsvik J , Aghdassi A , Mayerle J , Simon P , Njolstad PR , Lerch MM , Johansson S , Molven A
Ref : Pancreatology , 13 :29 , 2013
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Ragvin_2013_Pancreatology_13_29
PubMedID: 23395566
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CEL

Title : Diabetes and pancreatic exocrine dysfunction due to mutations in the carboxyl ester lipase gene-maturity onset diabetes of the young (CEL-MODY): a protein misfolding disease - Johansson_2011_J.Biol.Chem_286_34593
Author(s) : Johansson BB , Torsvik J , Bjorkhaug L , Vesterhus M , Ragvin A , Tjora E , Fjeld K , Hoem D , Johansson S , Raeder H , Lindquist S , Hernell O , Cnop M , Saraste J , Flatmark T , Molven A , Njolstad PR
Ref : Journal of Biological Chemistry , 286 :34593 , 2011
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Johansson_2011_J.Biol.Chem_286_34593
PubMedID: 21784842
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CEL

Title : Mutations in the VNTR of the carboxyl-ester lipase gene (CEL) are a rare cause of monogenic diabetes - Torsvik_2010_Hum.Genet_127_55
Author(s) : Torsvik J , Johansson S , Johansen A , Ek J , Minton J , Raeder H , Ellard S , Hattersley A , Pedersen O , Hansen T , Molven A , Njolstad PR
Ref : Hum Genet , 127 :55 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Torsvik_2010_Hum.Genet_127_55
PubMedID: 19760265
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CEL

Title : Mutations in ABHD12 cause the neurodegenerative disease PHARC: An inborn error of endocannabinoid metabolism - Fiskerstrand_2010_Am.J.Hum.Genet_87_410
Author(s) : Fiskerstrand T , H'Mida-Ben Brahim D , Johansson S , M'Zahem A , Haukanes BI , Drouot N , Zimmermann J , Cole AJ , Vedeler C , Bredrup C , Assoum M , Tazir M , Klockgether T , Hamri A , Steen VM , Boman H , Bindoff LA , Koenig M , Knappskog PM
Ref : American Journal of Human Genetics , 87 :410 , 2010
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Fiskerstrand_2010_Am.J.Hum.Genet_87_410
PubMedID: 20797687
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-ABHD12

Title : Pancreatic exocrine dysfunction in maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 3 - Vesterhus_2008_Diabetes.Care_31_306
Author(s) : Vesterhus M , Raeder H , Johansson S , Molven A , Njolstad PR
Ref : Diabetes Care , 31 :306 , 2008
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Vesterhus_2008_Diabetes.Care_31_306
PubMedID: 17989309
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CEL

Title : Mutations in the CEL VNTR cause a syndrome of diabetes and pancreatic exocrine dysfunction. - Raeder_2006_Nat.Genet_38_54
Author(s) : Raeder H , Johansson S , Holm PI , Haldorsen IS , Mas E , Sbarra V , Nermoen I , Eide SA , Grevle L , Bjorkhaug L , Sagen JV , Aksnes L , Svik O , Lombardo D , Molven A , Njolstad PR
Ref : Nat Genet , 38 :54 , 2006
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Raeder_2006_Nat.Genet_38_54
PubMedID: 16369531
Gene_locus related to this paper: human-CEL

Title : Action potentials of cultured human oat cells: whole-cell measurements with the patch-clamp technique - Johansson_1989_Acta.Physiol.Scand_135_573
Author(s) : Johansson S , Rydqvist B , Swerup C , Heilbronn E , Arhem P
Ref : Acta Physiologica Scandinavica , 135 :573 , 1989
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Johansson_1989_Acta.Physiol.Scand_135_573
PubMedID: 2544079