Jones JW


Full name : Jones Jeff W

First name : Jeff W

Mail : Department of Blood Transfusion Torbay, Hospital, Lawes Bridge, Torkay. Devon. 7Q2 7 AA

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Country : United Kingdom

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Phone : (44) 803 614 567

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References (8)

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Title : Poster: Immunological studies of the apparent silent homozygotes for plasma cholinesterase using an ELISA technique -
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Title : Poster: Immunological studies of the plasma cholinesterase variants -
Author(s) : Mortensen V , Rasmussen-Loft AG , Norgaard-Pedersen B , Jones JW , Whittaker M
Ref : In: Cholinesterases: Structure, Function, Mechanism, Genetics, and Cell Biology , (Massoulie J, Barnard EA, Chatonnet A, Bacou F, Doctor BP, Quinn DM) American Chemical Society, Washington, DC :199 , 1991

Title : Immunological studies of families segregating the silent gene for plasma cholinesterase - Whittaker_1991_Hum.Hered_41_77
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Title : Immunological studies of plasma cholinesterase during pregnancy and the puerperium -
Author(s) : Whittaker M , Jones JW , Braven J
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Title : Immunological assay of erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase - Jones_1991_Clin.Chim.Acta_200_175
Author(s) : Jones JW , Whittaker M , Braven J
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