Llorent-Martinez EJ

References (16)

Title : Chemical composition and biological activities of Cucurbita okeechobeensis extracts from its aerial parts, seeds, and fruit shells - Llorent-Martinez_2024_Arch.Pharm.(Weinheim)__e2300663
Author(s) : Llorent-Martinez EJ , Ruiz-Medina A , Terzic M , Sinan KI , Koyuncu I , Egi K , Nilofar N , Zengin G
Ref : Arch Pharm (Weinheim) , :e2300663 , 2024
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 38408265

Title : Unveiling the Antioxidant, Clinical Enzyme Inhibitory Properties and Cytotoxic Potential of Tambourissa peltata Baker-An Understudied Endemic Plant - Suroowan_2023_Molecules_28_
Author(s) : Suroowan S , Llorent-Martinez EJ , Zengin G , Buskaran K , Fakurazi S , Abdalla AN , Khalid A , Le Van B , Mahomoodally MF
Ref : Molecules , 28 : , 2023
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 36677655

Title : Above the Invasive and Ornamental Attributes of the Traveler's Palm: An In Vitro and In Silico Insight into the Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Enzymatic, Cytotoxic and Phytochemical Characterization of Ravenala madagascariensis - Suroowan_2023_Antioxidants.(Basel)_12_
Author(s) : Suroowan S , Llorent-Martinez EJ , Zengin G , Dall , x , Acqua S , Sut S , Buskaran K , Fakurazi S , Le Van B , Abdalla M , Abdalla AN , Khalid A , Mahomoodally MF
Ref : Antioxidants (Basel) , 12 : , 2023
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PubMedID: 36671049

Title : New Biological and Chemical Evidences of Two Lamiaceae Species (Thymbra capitata and Thymus sipyleus subsp. rosulans): In Vitro, In Silico and Ex Vivo Approaches - Llorent-Martinez_2022_Molecules_27_
Author(s) : Llorent-Martinez EJ , Ruiz-Medina A , Zengin G , Ak G , Jugreet S , Mahomoodally MF , Emre G , Orlando G , Libero ML , Nilofar , Acquaviva A , Di Simone SC , Menghini L , Ferrante C , Brunetti L , Recinella L , Leone S , Shariati MA , Uba AI , Chiavaroli A
Ref : Molecules , 27 : , 2022
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PubMedID: 36558163

Title : Phenolic Profile, Toxicity, Enzyme Inhibition, In Silico Studies, and Antioxidant Properties of Cakile maritima Scop. (Brassicaceae) from Southern Portugal - Placines_2020_Plants.(Basel)_9_
Author(s) : Placines C , Castaneda-Loaiza V , Joao Rodrigues M , Pereira CG , Stefanucci A , Mollica A , Zengin G , Llorent-Martinez EJ , Castilho PC , Custodio AL
Ref : Plants (Basel) , 9 : , 2020
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PubMedID: 31979182

Title : Viscum album L. homogenizer-assisted and ultrasound-assisted extracts as potential sources of bioactive compounds - Stefanucci_2020_J.Food.Biochem__e13377
Author(s) : Stefanucci A , Zengin G , Llorent-Martinez EJ , Dimmito MP , Della Valle A , Pieretti S , Ak G , Sinan KI , Mollica A
Ref : J Food Biochem , :e13377 , 2020
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Title : Novel insights into the fruit and seed extracts of Morinda morindoides (Baker) Milne-Redh: HPLC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS profiling, antioxidant, and enzyme inhibitory propensities - Sinan_2020_J.Food.Biochem__e13169
Author(s) : Sinan KI , Llorent-Martinez EJ , Bene K , Mahomoodally MF , Lobine D , Aktumsek A , Zengin G
Ref : J Food Biochem , :e13169 , 2020
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Title : Study on Three Sarcocapnos Species as Potential Sources of Bioactive Compounds: Relation between Phenolic Content and Bioactivity by Multivariate Analysis - Fernandez-Poyatos_2020_J.Anal.Methods.Chem_2020_8885169
Author(s) : Fernandez-Poyatos MDP , Zengin G , Salazar-Mendias C , Ruiz-Medina A , Sinan KI , Llorent-Martinez EJ
Ref : J Anal Methods Chem , 2020 :8885169 , 2020
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Title : Phenolic Characterization, Antioxidant Activity, and Enzyme Inhibitory Properties of Berberis thunbergii DC. Leaves: A Valuable Source of Phenolic Acids - Fernandez-Poyatos_2019_Molecules_24_
Author(s) : Fernandez-Poyatos MDP , Ruiz-Medina A , Zengin G , Llorent-Martinez EJ
Ref : Molecules , 24 : , 2019
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 31744256

Title : Chemical profiling, antioxidant, enzyme inhibitory and molecular modelling studies on the leaves and stem bark extracts of three African medicinal plants - Bibi_2019_J.Pharm.Biomed.Anal_174_19
Author(s) : Bibi Sadeer N , Llorent-Martinez EJ , Bene K , Fawzi Mahomoodally M , Mollica A , Ibrahime Sinan K , Stefanucci A , Ruiz-Riaguas A , Fernandez-de Cordova ML , Zengin G
Ref : J Pharm Biomed Anal , 174 :19 , 2019
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PubMedID: 31153134

Title : Chemical profiling of Centaurea bornmuelleri Hausskn. aerial parts by HPLC-MS\/MS and their pharmaceutical effects: From nature to novel perspectives - Zengin_2019_J.Pharm.Biomed.Anal_174_406
Author(s) : Zengin G , Llorent-Martinez EJ , Sinan KI , Yildiztugay E , Picot-Allain C , Mahomoodally MF
Ref : J Pharm Biomed Anal , 174 :406 , 2019
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PubMedID: 31212141

Title : Chemical profile, antioxidant, and enzyme inhibitory properties of two Scutellaria species: S. orientalis L. and S. salviifolia Benth - Zengin_2019_J.Pharm.Pharmacol_71_270
Author(s) : Zengin G , Llorent-Martinez EJ , Molina-Garcia L , Fernandez-de Cordova ML , Aktumsek A , Uysal S , Rengasamy KRR , Aumeeruddy MZ , Bahadori MB , Mahomoodally MF
Ref : J Pharm Pharmacol , 71 :270 , 2019
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PubMedID: 30306560

Title : Integration of in vitro and in silico perspectives to explain chemical characterization, biological potential and anticancer effects of Hypericum salsugineum: A pharmacologically active source for functional drug formulations - Bender_2018_PLoS.One_13_e0197815
Author(s) : Bender O , Llorent-Martinez EJ , Zengin G , Mollica A , Ceylan R , Molina-Garcia L , Fernandez-de Cordova ML , Atalay A
Ref : PLoS ONE , 13 :e0197815 , 2018
Abstract :
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PubMedID: 29864137

Title : Parentucellia latifolia subsp. latifolia: A potential source for loganin iridoids by HPLC-ESI-MS(n) technique - Llorent-Martinez_2018_J.Pharm.Biomed.Anal_165_374
Author(s) : Llorent-Martinez EJ , Fernandez-de Cordova ML , Zengin G , Bahadori MB , Aumeeruddy MZ , Rengasamy KR , Fawzi Mahomoodally M
Ref : J Pharm Biomed Anal , 165 :374 , 2018
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Llorent-Martinez_2018_J.Pharm.Biomed.Anal_165_374
PubMedID: 30590334

Title : Evaluation of antioxidant potential, enzyme inhibition activity and phenolic profile of Lathyrus cicera and Lathyrus digitatus: Potential sources of bioactive compounds for the food industry - Llorent-Martinez_2017_Food.Chem.Toxicol_107_609
Author(s) : Llorent-Martinez EJ , Ortega-Barrales P , Zengin G , Mocan A , Simirgiotis MJ , Ceylan R , Uysal S , Aktumsek A
Ref : Food & Chemical Toxicology , 107 :609 , 2017
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PubMedID: 28263865

Title : Traditionally Used Lathyrus Species: Phytochemical Composition, Antioxidant Activity, Enzyme Inhibitory Properties, Cytotoxic Effects, and in silico Studies of L. czeczottianus and L. nissolia - Llorent-Martinez_2017_Front.Pharmacol_8_83
Author(s) : Llorent-Martinez EJ , Zengin G , Fernandez-de Cordova ML , Bender O , Atalay A , Ceylan R , Mollica A , Mocan A , Uysal S , Guler GO , Aktumsek A
Ref : Front Pharmacol , 8 :83 , 2017
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PubMedID: 28289386