Naviwala M

References (1)

Title : Cutinases as stereoselective catalysts: Specific activity and enantioselectivity of cutinases and lipases for menthol and its analogs - Su_2020_Enzyme.Microb.Technol_133_109467
Author(s) : Su A , Kiokekli S , Naviwala M , Shirke AN , Pavlidis IV , Gross RA
Ref : Enzyme Microb Technol , 133 :109467 , 2020
Abstract :
PubMedSearch : Su_2020_Enzyme.Microb.Technol_133_109467
PubMedID: 31874689
Gene_locus related to this paper: humin-cut , canar-LipB , humla-1lipa , rhimi-lipas